Vested pillars and Key people in the crypto scene

This is tall tale. Maybe the more important you’ll ever come to read. This a story to tell our grand kids. This is the moment where we all become legendary. Hear me out. Once upon a time, Mr. Kaine and I secretly discussed the very important question of the Vested Pillars - “Should we give those away to Porn Stars?” I said.

Mr. Kaine blushed like a teenager and he was all cute wearing his white shirt clumsily tugged in his cheap greenish nerdy pants. He said “No Chad, we need influencers and developers who can change the world.” As I agreed and my erection immediately depleted, I decided to fight for the right thing.

Years later, here we are. All together in a tight rancid echo bubble. Let’s incentive people who can pick us up, help us, grow us and make us better.

Earlier today we united in our mom’s basement with mehowz, Angelo, Sugoi, Stark, Shazz and many others to bring you all an idea, and hopes.

We want to discuss the idea of distributing vested Pillars to key persons who then would will have incentives to help mid and long term. We think there’s a balance to be found:

  • it needs to be marketed the right way. We’re not loading job applications, the A.Z projects fund already is here for that.
  • however we can use this in order to lure people in. They come for the money, they now can change their mindset as they hold a bag.
  • bad actors could be seen as a part of whatever risk management policy we’ll go for. There will be bad actors and lazy people.
  • but with a generous offer we’ll be able to get more fishes and among them, even the ones who came lazily can have a chance to change their mind along the way: cognitive dissonances are a thing.


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If we were to provide social influencers with vested pillars, we would be forced to hope for their continued support. Given it’s impossible to ensure that, we can easily be on the losing end of this agreement.

This can be a viable marketing campaign as long as all parties have aligned interests, supporting and promoting the network. If a vested pillar holder acts against us, we don’t currently have the means to penalize them.

I would propose an amendment to the pillar contract, allowing vested pillars to be initialized and revoked via the governance contract.

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I’d oppose that. Of course there might be lazy people and bad actors. But if the marketing and the project is good enough, our interest will be aligned. Positive incentives will work. Negative ones, not so much. As I said in the community chat:

“All I say is that there is a situation and we need to play it smart and don’t think we’re worth more than a teeny tiny mcap unknown shitcoin for now. We need them, they don’t need us, let’s overmine this and make it good for us.”

Manage the risk but be generous. Manage the risk as pick the right profiles.

The positive incentive is already baked into the deal. They’re rewarded for maintaining a node.

Without my proposed change, the AZ treasury will likely have to pay for these arrangements.

Are we willing to risk those funds on the assumption that they will support the network, without any guaranteed delivery of value?

This is why I said we need to engineer the right positive incentive for them:

  • economic inventives to make it better than it already is, short term
  • incentives to make it better long term. This one can be largely made of beliefs as we’d need to make them think this is the next big thing and it’ll be better for them to sell in one year, two year, five year. This is entangled with the finding the right people idea.

Given the above and unlike an aplication to the A.Z funds for project, the selection and its risk bears down on us. I think we can lure people in, if I may say, and then make them think differently. Once they have a bag, some might dump, some might not, but cognitive dissonance is a thing. Beside dumping a vested Pillar is a bit harder than just selling out tokens, or it can be made that way.
I agree that is risky and should we should proceed with caution but if we’re smart - and here I have no perfect solution - a seduction plan can turn out being a win win situation. During the call I was compariring it to a seed round: you don’t offer those randomly but you don’t take it back either. Those people know this kind of rounds and could be attracted that way. They also know that if they do dogshit, they don’t get aproached by other projects afterward, unless it’s crap memes and they’re low tier influencers shilling for 100 usd because they’re broke.

People who could be involved in more than one way might be more interested in building a long term relation with Zenon. I’m thinking out loud here. I’m thinking about Vibegawd and Deezy from the Ordinal projects and their work on LN, for exemple. They could have interest in both giving their bag a visibility on CT and looking closer at the code at some point.


I support the amendment to the contract for vesting pillars, in case of bad actors hijacking the A-Z funds. Would this be complicated to implement?

I think the vested pillar initiative is a good idea, as they were mentioned in older Medium articles but we were never given a way to implement them. My guess is that it would be up to us to find a way to grant vested pillars to KOLs and/or competent dev teams, in order to grow our network.

Attached is a screenshot with the only piece of information we have in regards to vested pillars:

Zenon - Building Bridges (Vested Pillars)

Its always been my understanding that the vesting mechanism for a pillar like this included a revoke option that would be used based on the returned value to the network. So i like the idea and would really like to see an initiative like this built to gain visibility, but not a fan of gifting important infrastruture with only the hope that anything gets returned.

Seems backwards to what weve been trying to do with AZ.


FYI @John-Z did a full rug on his AZ. Got the rewards for a “marketing” AZ, sold them and never placed the ads.

If we give away pillars with no way to revoke them we should expect more rugz.

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Again, make it look like a job and it wont work.

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This discussion is highly subject to projections and assumptions.

I have feelings all over the map about this. My feeling is based on who the imagined recipient might be. Obviously, Elon would be a huge win, and on the other end of the spectrum, someone tweeting Zenon once and then rugging, would be a huge L.

I think if someone wants to pursue this campaign that it is worth trying and seeing what crops up.


I wasn’t aware of this Medium post. I like the idea when combined with my proposal:

  • Governance vote determines if someone can receive a vested pillar
  • Offer vested pillars to KOLs, setting the expectation that they should be onboarding users. If they don’t like the proposition, they can decline.
  • They can unlock the vested pillar amount in increments based on their pillar’s delegation weight.
    • Maybe there’s a correlated multiplier for their rewards based on how much they’ve cashed out.
  • They can choose to unregister the pillar and sell the 15k ZNN, or keep the pillar and participate in the network
  • If they are absolutely inactive, like Unizen, we have the option to revoke their pillar. No free lunch.

We can afford to experiment, but we should also try to reduce our exposure to risk.


You’ll get nobody onboarded with such high demand on from them. Those guys are used to more easy terms. We have to adapt to the market of this kind of offers. Saying “Obviously they can decline” wont change the fact that you’ll onboard nobody. Think about it like the Epic Games marketing campaign for free games which started - I think - during the COVID. It effectively onboarded users. Sometimes, you have to turn them into the product rather than making them pay (with time, effort, whatever).

Here you buy a network, not a person to work for you.

Except there’s no guarantee that we will ever receive this network of users.

If we don’t exercise caution, we will be scammed more often than not.

You don’t want to give pillars to people dedicated to the network, but you’re willing to bait KOLs (probably scammers) with them?

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It can’t be too easy, we need some kind of protection to ourselves and the A-Z funds by setting up a guideline. Or else we’d really be committing sudoku by giving out pilars for free…

It also weeds out the people that would troll anyway imo.

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My sense is that Chadass has a vision in mind that we can’t quite see. I have confidence in his acumen and motivation to act rationally on behalf of his, and our shared interests, where they are shared.

I feel like the discussion is bringing some more resolution to the picture. Seems good to be bringing the general concept of VPs back.

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Hah I’m proud that ZenonORG Pillars were one of the few to vote NO on that AZ, and the only ones to vote NO again when it came to funding. I’ve always warned the community about marketing AZ’s: Zenon Tools

But my experiences around TC tells me that select KOLs are one of the primary reasons why RUNE went from cents to dollars. I will share thoughts on the whole tomorrow.

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Did we warn this would happen? Yes, we did.
Were our warnings dismissed? Yes, they were.
Will people learn from this? No, they won’t.


I support Chadass’s idea. We should explore it. Good KOLs are a critical growth vector in this space. Dismissing them would be fatal.

And by far not all KOL’s are scammers. We should obviously be selective and do our DD

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I voted no too, but voted yes for funding after the community approved the AZ.

Yes we have no guarantee this is why this is taking a risk and a bet. This isn’t a job, this is expanding our reach.

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