🔥 NFTs on NoM, fr

can i has? am dewegated to tapwoot pweeze reward wiff awien nft

i literally came up with this entire idea ages ago. nobody listened to lil ol baggy

ok bro, feeling bloated

just checkin in on this progress.

please again reach out to me for anything needed

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Hey man, yeah! We’re getting closer. So the Supernova testnet is live and we should be able to start on it.

Follow the discussion here: Supernova zApps - #6 by aliencoder - Development - {H}yperCore.one

this is good news.

I actually came here to suggest putting Cryto Hales into Ordinals (pretty cheap inscription fee since the art is 24x24) to try to give more exposure to ZNN as a marketing strategy, but it seems people want the Hales on NoM respectfully so I’ll continue to wait.


ordinal hales sound based and greenpilled and exposes the broaded ordinal community to NoM

You could launch them as ordinals and mirrored on NoM later