New Dimensions: blockchain feeless RTS game

Title: New Dimensions
Version: 1.0
Date: 28 July 2024
Internal Document ID: HC-SF0001

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose of the Document

This document provides a comprehensive overview of the game concept, gameplay mechanics, and system functionalities for New Dimensions. It serves both as an initial blueprint for stakeholders and a public reference for players. As this is the first version (V1), the final product may differ. A public record of all Change Orders will track modifications during development.

1.2. Target Platforms

Cross Platform Unity game available for:

  • Mobile: Android and iOS
  • Desktop: Windows

1.3. Genre and Theme

  • Genre: Real-Time Strategy (RTS)
  • Theme: Science Fiction

1.4. Development Status

  • Current Phase: Early Development
  • Key Achievements:
    • AI Turret scripts for PVP
    • Integration with Solana Network

2. Terminology and Concepts

2.1. Spatial Conduits Portals

Spatial Conduits Portals connect to different solar systems, each with unique attributes and resources. Players can own and explore these conduits.

2.2. DSD (Dimensional Shards Data)

The primary in-game currency (ZTS) earned through various activities within Spatial Conduits.

2.3. ZNN Market

A cryptocurrency-based market where players can trade using ZNN coins (DSD/ZNN). In game token will be available for purchase with ZNN token. DSD will be exchanged for ZNN and vice-versa.

2.4. Main Ship and Secondary Ships

  • Main Ship: The player’s flagship, acting as a base and command center.
  • Secondary Ships: Smaller vessels that execute specific missions like data gathering and combat.

2.5. Affinity

A characteristic that enhances ship performance based on compatibility between Main and Secondary Ships.

2.6. Shards

Shards are collectible items that players can acquire from exploring Spatial Conduits. These shards are used to upgrade ships or craft new items, enhancing various attributes and capabilities.

Types of Shards

Shards come in different types, each corresponding to specific aspects of ship upgrades:

  • Attack Shards: Improve the offensive capabilities of a ship, such as weapon damage.
  • Defense Shards: Enhance the ship’s shielding and HP.
  • Computing Shards: Boost the ship’s computing power, affecting data gathering efficiency and processing.
  • Data Storage Shards: Increase the ship’s data storage capacity, allowing it to carry more resources.

Tiers of Shards

Shards are categorized into tiers based on their rarity and the magnitude of the enhancement they provide, as follows:

  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Outer World
  • Exotic
  • Alien

Each tier offers increasingly significant upgrades, with higher-tier shards being rarer and more powerful.

Quantities Required for Upgrades

The number of shards required to craft or upgrade an item depends on the tier of the shard and the type of upgrade being performed.

The general requirements are:

  • Common Shards: 40 shards are needed to craft or upgrade a common item.
  • Uncommon Shards: 80 shards are required for an uncommon upgrade.
  • Outer World Shards: 160 shards are needed for outer world tier items.
  • Exotic Shards: 320 shards are required to reach the exotic tier.
  • Alien Shards: 680 shards are needed to craft or upgrade to the alien tier.

Crafting and Upgrades

Players can use shards to either enhance existing ships or craft new ships. The type and tier of the shard determine the extent of the improvement.

There are 3 types of shards:

  • Blueprint: Follows specific rules, see ship rules to manufacture a new ship.
  • Upgrade: Applied to ship upgrades based on the Tire and the Type (Attack, defense, etc).
  • Engagement: This type of shards can be used before a mission (PVP or PVE) to improve the chance of the outcome. These are actual drones sent before the battle to Improve Changes of success (from improving ship stats for that specific fight to applying debuff to other ships in the same game space). Also some drone can create “obstacles” on the game area adding depth to the game. Obstacles can be asteroid fields, spaces stations or any other stellar body.

This shard system allows players to customize and specialize their ships, tailoring them to specific roles and strategies within the game. Collecting and managing shards becomes a crucial aspect of gameplay, encouraging exploration and strategic planning.

2.7. PVP (Player vs. Player)


The PVP mode allows players to engage in combat with one another, aiming to steal DSD and resources from their opponents. This competitive aspect of the game not only tests players’ strategic skills but also provides significant rewards.


  • Weekly DSD Theft Leaderboard: Showcases the top 10 players who have successfully stolen the most DSD in PVP battles each week.
  • Weekly DSD Gathering Leaderboard: Highlights the top 10 players who have collected the most DSD through gathering missions during the week.

In-Game Communities - Syndicates

Players can form or join in-game communities known as Syndicates, fostering a collaborative and strategic environment. Syndicates enhance the PVP experience by introducing Syndicate Wars and shared resources.

  • Syndicate Wars: This feature allows two Syndicates to engage in 2v2 player battles. The DSD stolen during these battles is split according to a pre-arranged Syndicate Agreement. Syndicates strategize and coordinate to maximize their success and dominance.
  • Syndicate Agreement: A Syndicate Agreement is a communal setup where members can “lend” their Secondary Ships to fellow Syndicate members. These ships can be used in Syndicate Wars, and the DSD rewards are split between the Syndicate’s collective funds and the individual member who lent the ship. The percentage distribution is set by the lender when placing the ship in the Syndicate Hangar.
  • Syndicate Hangar: The Syndicate Hangar is a shared space where members can store and lend ships. Initially, each Syndicate can support up to 2 members, with the potential to expand up to 20 members as the Syndicate levels up. The Hangar capacity also increases, allowing each member to contribute one ship.

Restrictions and Special Rules

  • Solo Players: Solo players are not permitted to participate in Syndicate Wars and cannot be targeted by Syndicate members, ensuring a balanced experience for those who prefer to play independently.
  • Lending Rules: Each lent ship can only be used by one player at a time, and the lender sets the distribution of any DSD gained during battles involving their ship.

Syndicate DSD. The collective DSD accumulated by a Syndicate can be used for:

  • Upgrading Syndicate Level: Enhancing the Syndicate to support more members and unlock additional benefits.
  • Expanding the Syndicate Hangar: Increasing the number of ships that can be stored and lent within the Syndicate.

This system encourages collaboration and strategy within Syndicates, offering a deeper and more engaging PVP experience. Players can work together to dominate leaderboards, participate in epic battles, and grow their in-game community.

2.8. AI Reference

The term “AI” does not refer to an actual artificial intelligence but rather to behavior scripts that govern the actions and interactions of in-game assets. These scripts are pre-programmed sets of rules and instructions that dictate how different entities, such as ships and units, behave in various situations.

Navigation AI for Secondary Ships (Fighters)

  • Targeting: The behavior script directs the ship to identify and engage the closest enemy target. Once locked onto a target, the script ensures the ship moves towards it.
  • Behavior: The script handles the ship’s movement to follow and orbit the target, maintaining a position that allows for effective attack while avoiding being easily hit. The script continuously assesses variables like distance, angle, and speed to optimize engagement.
  • Collision Avoidance: The behavior script includes routines for detecting potential collisions and adjusting the ship’s path to avoid them, preventing crashes with other assets in the game environment.
  • Orbital Motion: The script calculates an orbital path around the target, ensuring the ship remains oriented towards the enemy to maximize damage output.

This “AI” system, while not an actual learning or autonomous intelligence, provides a set of sophisticated behaviors that make the game assets appear intelligent and reactive. These behavior scripts create a dynamic and challenging gameplay environment, simulating strategic and tactical decision-making by the in-game entities.

3. Game World and Setting

3.1. Storyline In the near future, the Voyager 1 spacecraft (launched in 1977) makes contact with a highly intelligent extraterrestrial race. This encounter triggers the opening of 1000 Spatial Conduits around our solar system, each leading to a unique solar system with distinct properties.

3.2. Solar System Types and Attributes

  • Standard System (like our own system): Balanced attributes.
  • Binary System: Enhanced energy production, reduced stability.
  • Red Dwarf System: Lower energy, longer duration for resource gathering.
  • Neutron Star System: High data yield, increased ship wear.
  • Pulsar System: Fast data transmission, reduced ship shielding.
  • Black Hole System: High-risk, high-reward with powerful relics.
  • Variable System: Unpredictable conditions affecting all stats.

4. Gameplay Mechanics

4.1. Spatial Conduit Ownership and Exploration

  • Ownership: The first 200 unique wallets will own a conduit. Owners set transit costs (1%-20%) and bounty taxes (0.1-5 DSD) for other players using their conduits.
  • Exploration: Players can send Secondary Ships to gather DSD or obtain item blueprints, depending on ship and conduit stats.

4.2. Currency and Market

  • DSD: Earned through various in-game activities, used for upgrades, transactions, and purchases.
  • Zenon Market: Facilitates the trade of DSD and in-game assets with no fee linked to ZNN.

4.3. Ship Types and Upgrades

Main Ship

Acts like a base operations with the following subsystems:

  • Turrets:
    • Rail Guns: High damage, long-range, slower firing rate.
    • Continuous Lasers: Moderate damage, consistent output, effective at close to medium range.
    • Laser Turrets: High precision, moderate damage, capable of targeting specific components.
    • Ballistic: Versatile weaponry, includes missiles and kinetic projectiles.
    • Missiles: Ballistic, Photon, Smart Tracking or Laser Paint.
  • Shields: Provide protection against enemy attacks, with effectiveness based on technology and affinity.
  • Energy System: Determines the ship’s power supply, affecting shield regeneration, weapon firing rate, and other systems.
  • DSD Storage: Protects a portion of DSD from being stolen in PVP attacks.

Secondary Ships

Engage in various missions, with stats and capabilities determined by their subsystems and upgrades. Key stats include DPS (Damage Per Second), Shields, MS (Movement Speed), Computing Power, and Data Storage. Subsystems:

  • Turrets:
    • Rail Guns: High damage, long-range, slower firing rate.
    • Continuous Lasers: Moderate damage, consistent output, effective at close to medium range.
    • Laser Turrets: High precision, moderate damage, capable of targeting specific components.
    • Ballistic: Versatile weaponry, includes kinetic projectiles.
    • Missiles: Ballistic, Photon, Smart Tracking or Laser Paint.
  • Shields: Provide protection against enemy attacks, with effectiveness based on technology and affinity.
  • Energy System: Determines the ship’s power supply, affecting shield regeneration, weapon firing rate, and other systems.
  • Computing Power: Influences the efficiency of data gathering and processing during missions. The value influences the amount of DSD gathered on mission, based on the value of each ship the hourly DSD amount will be splinted and total count of ships in Conduit Space.

Ship Tiers

Secondary Ships can be upgraded using shards collected from missions. The tiers are:

  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Outer World
  • Exotic
  • Alien

Choosing to convert shards in to higher tiers enhances the ship’s capabilities across all subsystems, making them more effective in missions and combat scenarios.

4.4. Affinity and Shard Types

  • Affinity: Boosts performance when Main and Secondary Ships are compatible.
  • Shards: Collected in various tiers, enhancing ships’ stats like attack, defense, and data storage, ship blueprints and drone buffs.

4.5. PVP and Defense Mechanics

  • PVP: Players can attack others to steal DSD. The outcome is based on ship stats and tactical decisions.
  • Defense: AI controls defending ships; players can set up defensive formations.

5. Player Engagement and Retention

5.1. Daily Tasks and XP System

Players earn XP from daily tasks, which increase player levels. Higher levels unlock more capabilities:

  • Level 1: Max 6 active missions, 3 Secondary Ships per Spatial Conduit, 0 PVP attacks, Quest Level 1, Max Shard conversion rate Common, Spatial Conduit Max Level 1.
  • Level 2: 7 active missions, other parameters remain the same.
  • Level 30: 20 active missions, 12 Secondary Ships per mission, Max PVP 15, Max Shard conversion to Alien, Quest Level 10, Spatial Conduit Max Level 5.

5.2. VIP System and Quests

VIP Levels: Based on in-game spending, providing bonuses:

  • Level 0: Withdrawal Tax 30%, Withdraw Limit, Withdrawal Frequency 7 days, Daily Wheel Spin 1, XP Multiplier 1, Daily shop purchase limits.
  • Level 1: XP multiplier 1.05, increased shop item limits.
  • Level 10: Withdrawal Tax 10%, Withdrawal Frequency 1 day, Daily Wheel Spin 4, XP Multiplier 1.5, extended shop limits.

5.3. In-Game Market and Trading

All in-game assets can be traded using DSD. The market fee is tied to the gas fee of the network, and facilitating a player-driven economy.

6. Monetization Strategy

6.1. In-Game Purchases

  • Players can buy DSD with ZNN, with bundles available for purchase in the limit of the VIP Level.
  • Dyson Contracts allow players to withdraw with no limit amount but the Withdrawal Tax and Frequency still apply base on player VIP Level. Also purchased with ZNN.
  • Ship Blueprints Shards can be purchased by players in shop with ZNN. Frequency apply base on player VIP Level.

6.2. Free-to-Play Elements

Freemium ships and missions offer basic gameplay, with restrictions on mission counts and upgrade capabilities. Also Freemium assets can be used only 20 days after creation.

7. Conclusion and Future Developments

This document outlines the foundational elements of New Dimensions. As development progresses, details may evolve, and all changes will be documented through official Change Orders.

8. Future Availability of Spatial Conduits

On the official game release end of September, the remaining 800 Spatial Conduits will become available for purchase by players. These conduits will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis, offering new opportunities for players to explore, gather resources, and participate in the game’s economy. This expansion will allow more players to become part of the dynamic game world and benefit from owning a Spatial Conduit.


Why Solana? You build game on other network?

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  1. How did you hear about us and why do you want to build on Zenon Network?
  2. Are you familiar with the network?
  3. Are you planning to submit an AZ? If so, do you have a proposal?
  4. We are not accustom to seeing something like this “all changes will be documented through official Change Orders.” Sounds like something AI would write. Can you explain what you mean given there is no AZ, no scope, and no mutual understanding.
  5. What does HC-SF stand for? Internal Document ID: HC-SF0001 Is your Headquarters in San Francisco?
  6. Can you share early screen shots of development?
  • Can you elaborate on where the DSD/ZNN market will operate?

  • What is the current timeline for the key milestones in your game development process?

  • What are the main technical challenges you foresee in integrating blockchain tech with real-time strategy gameplay?

  • Could you provide more details on how the AI behavior scripts will be developed and tested for effectiveness in gameplay?

  • What strategies will you employ to maintain long-term player engagement and retention?

  • How do you plan to balance the monetization elements with the free-to-play aspects to ensure a positive player experience?

  • What are the potential future updates or expansions planned for the game post-release?

  • Can I market this forum post via PR, blog posts etc?

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I wanted to do it on Solana. Until I found Zenon Network.

On Reddit. I found it on this subreddit. I want to build on Zenon Network because it has feeless transactions.

I’m getting familiar with it. I found out to be very easy to create ZTS tokens.

Yes. I need funding to complete the game.

It’s not written with ChatGPT. I will provide a changelog for documenting what will get implemented.

It’s an internal document identifier. I’m an indie dev.


DSD will be in-game currency facilitated by the Zenon Token Standard and the DSD/ZNN market will operate inside the game. Items will be priced in ZNN.

To be short, I want to have an alpha ready by the end of September.

The main challenge will be to sync the game state with the blockchain. I’m learning how to do efficiently using the block-lattice and account-chains for players.

Please read Section 5.

We need a freemium model to attract people that will also get interested into Zenon Network.

I have many ideas, but I want to focus on delivering tangible deliverables.

@mehowbrainz can you enable the mp4 format? I want to upload some videos.

Yes. I’m working on the website right now.

Current status

Completed Functionalities and Assets

  • Missile Systems
    • Ballistic Missiles: Basic detonation at target location.
  • Smart Features
    • Smart Detonation: Detonates near enemies for maximum impact.
    • Retargeting System: Re-targets to the nearest enemy if the initial target is destroyed.

Visual and Special Effects

  • Energy Explosion Effects: visual effects for energy-based explosions.
  • Laser Effects: Visual effects for laser weaponry.

Flagship and Fighter Systems

  • Flagship Navigation: System for flagship movement and pathfinding.
  • Flagship Shielding: Defensive shielding system for the flagship.
  • Heavy Fighter Navigation: Movement and pathfinding for heavy fighters.
  • Heavy Fighter Targeting System: System for targeting enemies.
  • Heavy Fighter Jump-in System: Mechanic for heavy fighters entering the battlefield.
  • Heavy Fighter Combat System: Comprehensive combat mechanics for heavy fighters.


  • Conduits:
    • Variety: Ranging from T1 to T5.
    • Design: Inspired by ZNN elements with variations in pylons and mission outcomes.

Urgent and In-Progress

  • Alien Tire Flagship and Fighter
  • Design: Similar to Conduit material and aesthetic, aligned with Zenon Network materials.

Blueprint Assets

  • Purpose: Allows players to purchase blueprints for crafting and upgrades.

Immediate Next Steps

  • Create Game Website: Launch the official website for the game.
  • Whitepaper Documentation: Develop detailed documentation covering game mechanics, lore, and features.

In-Game Shop:

  • Initial Stock: Include the first 200 Conduits for purchase.

Future Development

  • Dust Particles: Implement atmospheric and environmental dust particle effects.
  • Weapon Emission Effects: Visual effects for weapon fire and energy emissions.
  • Weapon Sounds:
    • Pew-Pew Sounds: Classic sci-fi weapon sound effects.
  • Engine Sounds:
    • Engine “Rawr”: Unique sound design for engine noises.



Here is my proposal:

I need 25k ZNN and 250k QSR to complete the game (beta) and launch it. This includes the development and other activities such as the actual deployment.

  • I will provide weekly updates about the game (screenshots and videos).
  • I will use ZNN for in-game assets.
  • I will use ZTS to represent DSD (in-game currency).
  • I will provide custom assets for Pillars that voted favorably.
  • I will provide priority for ZNNAliens (based on their address) for future releases of the game.

If the project is approved, I can deliver the first phase by the end of the week: game website and shop.

  1. Can you share examples of other games you have completed?
  2. If the AZs are approved, will you seek payment after the game is delivered? We’ve funded one project before work was delivered and got rugged. See JohnZ.
  3. How does the game interact with the blockchain? Will it need an embedded contract on the L1 or were you thinking to run it on the L2 (xChain / unikernelZ)? It’s unlikely an embedded contract will get approved on the L1 for a game.
  4. What is the scope of the first phase?
  5. we currently handle 10 tps due to artificial caps. This will increase but have you considered this in the analysis of the chain. Dynamic plasma will help some but real speed is many months / years away.
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Thankyou for bringing your idea here and being responsive - it looks exciting

Can I make some suggestions for the proposal also:

-Spell out the justification/calculations for the specific total proposal funding ask
-I’d be reluctant to vote in favour of payment milestones for just the delivery of the game - I’d love to see a proposal where you only receive a significant percentage of the funding after certain onboarding milestones are met (growth in ZNN holders brought in by the game, or growth in active players etc.). This shows the game has provided value to the network/treasury and also shows that you back your own ability and commitment to deliver
-I assume you’ll also be making passive income in DSD and/or ZNN as the operator of the game, transparency on this front would build alot of trust
-Any thoughts on where/how the game will be hosted?

Thanks :pray:


It’s my first and only game that I want to develop.

I need funds to be released as I develop the game. I’m unable to finish the game without funding, that’s why I’m asking for funds. I will provide updates and payments can be made after milestones are reached.

I use the blockchain only for the ZTS functionality. Maybe at a later stage, I will sync the state of the game with the blockchain.

Website and shop setup.

If the game will explode in popularity, this will be an issue. But this isn’t something to worry about now. I want to bring 1k users after the first month.

Of course! For the first milestone (website + shop) I’ll need around 2.5k ZNN/25k QSR.

This is a gamble for me as well as for you. I bet that the game will become popular. The same bet applies for you if you choose to fund the development of this game.

Yes. In-game currency will be an important aspect of the game. I will provide a detailed report on how DSD will fit into the greater ecosystem.

The game server will be hosted on Amazon. The DSD in-game currency will be hosted on Zenon Network. In the future we can move some parts of the game logic to a decentralized infrastructure. But I want to take it step by step.

25k znn and 250k qsr are a big ask for someone who cannot show any past references / success stories in game development.

Also, as you need the funding to complete the game, you will have to sell ZNN and QSR which will put pressure on the price. There is no assurance that thr game’s adoption will offset that cost on all holders (and the treasury).

I’d rather you’d ask for some funding up front, but get the majority post completion and based on tangible success metrics in terms of znn or zts holders


I see that the price is moving up lately. I don’t need all the funding upfront. I will ask funding in dollar terms. I’ve just calculated what I need to complete the game right now at this price point (actually 0.6$).

I agree with you. But I won’t sell everything at once.

I will even try to do OTC trades with New Dimensions early adopters.

That’s why everything should happen in stages. I will ask for funds once I complete certain milestones (in terms of development and user adoption).


So I’m just going to share this post here from Chadass (I think he got banned - everywhere):

"ZNN people are so stupid, it is beyond my comprehension. A game dev offers to build a game on the forum and this for an amount that is relatively okay in regards to the game industry standards, and some of you guys ask him to be paid VS marketing metrics goals. What a bunch of clowns. This is why you’ll never get anyone to build on this chain. Is the game good ? No idea. Does the guy have a history of success ? No idea and yes those are relevant questions. Should a game dev be paid only if the project leads to X new holders joining ? End of the joke here. This is why you’re only 20 people hanging in a bubble and it’ll stay like that until you figure your shit out. Can the game be good should the the main question. "

@galacticus in response to the question, “can the game be good?” what are your thoughts? How can we assess your ability to deliver a game that is good if you don’t have any examples of past work. The trailer looks interesting, but game development is highly specialized and you’ve never built a game before. Do you have relevant tangential experience? How can you be confident you will deliver something that is fun to play and is valuable to the network if you have never done it before?


Sounds good :slight_smile:

If you like space themed strategy games, then you know the answer. With funding, the graphics and the gameplay will be improved. On top of that, there’s very little competition for blockchain based space themed games out there.

You can’t. That’s why I’m asking to release funds based on milestones and deliverables.

I have experience in Unity. Everything you saw in the trailer is hand crafted.

I know Unity and I have enough programming experience to code everything related to the gameplay by myself. One of the main challenges of this project will be the game server and blockchain integration. I have a friend that has plenty of experience in this direction and offered to help me out. But I need to be able to pay him at least 33% in fiat. And I’m being transparent with that. That’s why I seek funding.

You can read again my initial post and answer it yourself. If you want to play the game, you’ll find out about this network too. Not only that, but you’ll actually use the network and invest in it to unlock premium items. It’s a win-win situation if the game becomes a success.

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What is the fiat $ value of your ask? Bear in mind that the 1:10 ZNN to QSR peg no longer exists with current trades OTC being set at 1:8.

When did you first hear about the network? Have you been lurking around for a while? Do you aim to potentially spin up a pillar/sentinel?

Basically trying to appraise whether you are here just to seek plain funding or if you a Zealot.

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If anyone is wondering (from “Beyond gaming, Unity is used in various industries such as film, automotive, architecture, engineering, and construction. Its capabilities in real-time 3D rendering make it suitable for creating simulations, visualizations, and interactive experiences.”

I was curious how you know Unity without gaming experience. Seems this tool is used in other industries too.

For reference, I sometimes use Unity for its impressive rendering engine. Blender doesn’t quite match up in this area. So, it’s possible to know Unity without using it for game development.


The link to the trailer expired. Can you repost, please?

For the first milestone? Or in total?

I’ve been lurking for a while. After the game is live, I’ll see what’s left. I’m aiming for at least a Sentinel.

I’m Galaticus, son of Galactus.

You’ll see my skills in action.

Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, heic, heif, webp, txt, ico, apk).

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Can you elaborate on how the game could be blockchain based or is it just the ZTS?

What makes this milestone so valuable? I could see your game being a good fit overall, but payment phases this early dont make sense to me.

Sure theres some risk on the level of its success but gambling on you finishing the game is not part of the AZ process.