Funding the Future

Between my ‘day job’, unikernel development, and R&D on NoM Smart Contracts I have been… busy. Recent discussions and development efforts have prompted me to step back and reassess the best path forward in terms of prioritizing resources and energy. Here’s where I believe the focus should be:

  1. Building a Developer Base & Ecosystem
  • We need to attract and support developers, providing the resources and tools necessary for them to thrive. A strong developer ecosystem will unlock innovation and bring new energy to the Zenon Network.
    • A new developer’s portal devoted entirely to the ecosystem ( with technical documentation, tutorials, dev sandboxes, etc.
  1. Smart Contracts on NoM
  • The future of zApps lies here, and advancing smart contracts on NoM is key to creating a robust ecosystem.
  • Will only be meaningful if #1 is eventually achieved.
  1. Bitcoin Interoperability
  • A massive undertaking but one that will take Zenon to the next level. However, it is a substantial effort that will require a solid developer base (as in #1) before we can begin making meaningful progress.

Now, the reality is that I can only focus on one major initiative at a time in the near term. Both #1 and #2 are realistic projects I can take on personally, but #2 relies heavily on successfully building a developer community first.

I have decided to take to this forum in attempts to gain perspective on which direction the community thinks I should prioritize.

Please participate in the poll below and vote for what you believe should be the given a higher priority. Once we determine the community’s preference, I will submit a request for funding to support the winning initiative.


0 voters

I personally think #2 will be required to achieve #1. And if we can have an open dialogue while you are doing #2 I think the marketing folks here can help with #1 (while you are doing #2).

In addition, @aliencoder is working on docs. The community has agreed to help when he makes the docs public.

So if you work on #2 and keep an open line of communication with the community we can parallel path #1 to the best of our ability. If you tackle #1 yourself, there is NO way the marketing community can help with #2 so it’s likely to take longer (unless you can sell some 10x devs on the vision).

My initial thoughts would be to establish a developer base, but what tools do they have at their disposal right now that they can leverage?

Will it be through the extension chains? (Supernova / HyperQube)

Actually I’m reading this again. Can you elaborate on this a little? Do you require assistance to complete #2 and will these devs need to be able to solve this puzzle first?

I think attracting new “devs” is different that attracting devs that can help with #2. You have been involved with the project for years. You understand it from the ground up. Also I assume the experience required to help with #2 requires someone with highly specialized skills. Maybe only a hand full of people on earth can help?? Can #1 really help you attract the type of people needed to work on #2?

We are perpetually stuck in the Chicken & Egg problem. LOL.


What is Bitcoin interoperability?

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@EovE7Kj Link in AZ is 404

I am hoping to have a working WASM runtime prototype on my own in a short period of time. Some insight from other devs may be needed, especially with regards to gas metering mechanisms and cryptographic methods and proofs (I am thinking zk-snark)

Once I have a testnet running, the real value of the devs will become apparent. We will need people to build on the platform.

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Link is currently a placeholder, I have not created the repo yet.

Community is always curious to know what is Bitcoin Interoperability. Will it be

  1. ZNN ↔ BTC or
  2. ZNN ↔ ZBTC ↔ BTC ( Similar to what we have now for ZNN ↔ WZNN