Project Name: Zenon Documentation →
Description: A professional, clean documentation for NoM users, node runners and developers.
Explain why your project is vital to the success of Zenon, both in the short and long term?
Every successful project has a clean, comprehensive documentation to onboard users, node runners and developers. All the information about NoM in a single place.
URL: The repo will initially be hosted on AliensZone organization.
Team: @aliencoder @0x3639
Phase 1
Write the documentation.
Completion of Phase 1 will be measured by:
- Delivering the documentation
Phase 2
Proof-reading the documentation.
Completion of Phase 2 will be measured by:
- Moving the documentation to the official Github repository.
Total Requested Funding = 5000 ZNN and 50000 QSR
Project Duration = 2 weeks
Project and Payment Milestones:
Phase 1
Funding Request: 50% (2500 ZNN and 25000 QSR)
Duration: 10 days
Phase 2
Funding Request: 50% (2500 ZNN and 25000 QSR)
Duration: 4 days
Other Information
Risks, Assumptions, Known Issues, Dependencies: What are the variables and dependencies? Do you have contingency plans for significant assumptions, variables, and dependencies?
No external dependencies.
Have you previously submitted a proposal (either in Accelerator-Z or Incubator)?
Several projects so far, all of them approved and paid out.