Chainlink CCIP Integration : A Modest Proposal

I received an email from the onboarding team and was informed that in order to proceed, they need contact from an official Zenon account (ie. or email) or a DM from the official Zenon Twitter acct. Can someone with access to one of these DM me?

Sounds like this request is a bat signal to loose these privileges. He is asking you to do something clearly very retarded to shine a light on who should have these privileges.

Under no circumstances will I be any part of this. We need to defend Zenon and not play into this clear troll and get “official” accounts involved with this game.

Look at what he is saying above weaving in troll shit from all over zenon. Like looking at Shazz’s pdfs. This is funny as hell and what’s ever more funny is you guys are buying it.

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… and here is what’s coming next. He will share the email he got from Chainlink asking for these official comms.

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yet he wants to integrate with Chanlink

read this guys… “Lucrative” for him. Like milking the AZ.

yet this entire thread makes fun of us.

generate by AI.


only chains with a 10m MC and prone to troll proposals.

this is funny AF. He needs to look at the slide decks from shazz. Really? He needs to understand Shazz’s slide deck in order to understand how Zenon will integrate with CL. This is so fucking funny.

more lol.

And now the icing on the cake…

I don’t understand. What is the danger in sending an X dm or .network email verification to an official Chainlink email addy or X account?

I do not infer such a direct correlation between the mere mention of a slide deck, with Zenon pdf lore. It sounds to me like he was portraying that the proposal will require a professional presentation to decision makers at Chainlink.

Sultan stipulated confirmation from Chainlink as a condition for him.

Nor do I arrive at the conclusion that Zirgay realizes that org is a private entity, and network is the community satoshi domain. Many new joiners do not realize this.

There is no “danger”. But this is a troll to flush out defenders of the network who can see through what is going on. Anyway, I will not be sending any emails or DMs.

He is not a newcomer. He is on the team working on UnikernelZ. He is likely a founding dev or one step removed. Or dates a long way back and would not make any of these mistakes unless he was trolling us.

It could be that he is not intimately familiar with our baggage and lore. He might have been invited by a long time community member, just as he stated. I respect your right to refrain from the requested communications activities.

Well he either knows @EovE7Kj or is @EovE7Kj. If he comes on here and vouches for Zirgay it would complete the troll.

Did you know EovE7Kj has a yahoo email address. It’s actually deliverable. I mean that right there starts the troll. Why would a based zenon dev have an email address that can be read by yahoo and the govt.

to be ironic.

I assure you I am not trying to troll anyone here, nor am I trying to bring any contention or debate about account privileges; I genuinely have no idea about these things and was not sure who would be able to do this. I assumed the people managing the domain were here. I didn’t realize was not an official domain.

If there is still interest:
Could you please contact us from an official Zenon account? Please send an email to from an institutional email or send a DM from the official Zenon twitter account to @fmedcl.

It’s not my intention to sow division here and I apologize if that is the result of this proposal.

these addresses look fake and gay. redirects to chainlink.labs… Sergey has owned the domain since 2008 (before Bitcoin). I didn’t check until now but Twitter handle does not seem to exist…

You can test for yourselves, submit a bogus inquiry and you should get a similar email response

I think feasibility verified by link will be hurdle + inform remainder of this modest proposal. I will vote yes to signal approval if you want to keep this. I think a better way to do it would be to set up a matrix w/ some core devs + your link labs contact to flesh out the work then resubmit but that is up to you Zirgay

I sent you and your friend a little message. I’m working on an NFT next. If you can actually decipher that I will be impressed. Your OG status will be cemented.

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Nothing is what it seems… Have fun with it.

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@0x3639 - you’re nutz man. No idea what I did to offend you by coming here and trying to engage your community in a potential partnership with Chainlink.

I will say it again - I have ZERO experience with this blockchain. I am a Chainlink investor and general blockchain enthusiast. I am in no way shape or form a “dev”, nor am I part of any development team in this or any other blockchain. I came here because I saw that Zenon was a perfect candidate for CCIP, and because I had the connections to make that partnership possible. I did not come here to troll.

Our mutual (?) friend wanted nothing to do with this project, and only helped me get the AZ submitted because we are old friends. FYI, he is not a fan of Chainlink and had zero enthusiasm about this AZ.

That is a good friend.

I came here from another blockchain community with nothing but enthusiasm and optimism. I didn’t insult or troll anyone but Sergey, who is literally my personal hero. I didn’t expect everyone to jump onboard the LINK train (how could I?), and I understand that any logical people in this community have reservations about “partnering” with any entity aside from Bitcoin org itself. But I certainly didn’t expect some goddamn conspiracy theory nonsense and a bunch of mental gymnastics.


You didn’t offend me at all. I love your work :wink:

Not so sure about that. He doesn’t like me after I called him out on his soft rug.

Welcome to Zenon!

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for me, it’s the mcchicken