Zenon Storybook AZ

Not all markets are valued equally, regardless of the time spent on something.

Remember this proposal that I submitted, and passed? Zenon Tools

Leading to these early guidelines (which can be enhanced even more now): Performance Marketing Proposal Guidelines

Regarding Zyler’s AZ I hope he comes here to engage with the community so he can work on reforming and resubmitting an AZ.

  • Maybe he can work to improve greenpill.me to tell a better story? Maybe it has a buy button or join TG or something we can measure clicks?
  • Maybe he can work on a different distribution method?
  • Maybe we can work on turning some articles into short form for different forms of distribution.

Lot’s of options here. It’s up to @zyler9985 to make an effort so we can support his work. $DODO memes are retarded BTW. He should GTFO of that space.

Would love to see him define the audience he’s reaching to see if it can be matched up in a quality distribution channel / establishment to drive visibility.


The request is for 10 ZNN / 100 QSR.

Considering how passionate Zyler was about Zenon, I imagine his exit was resolute. While I understand the desire to get back together, it’s not often possible to turn back time, after love is lost. Considering that Zyler isn’t even responding to messages, I don’t see any reason to believe the flame will be rekindled.

Each person has to make the right decisions for themselves. This project is extremely challenging and I’m not so sure that it’s wise or compassionate to invite him to return. Considering the current PA, he made a good exit and I hear that he has moved on to other endeavors.

Above all, I warmly welcome participants and contributors, old and new, alike.

With that stated, I am voting yes in support of the work and efforts of 0x and Coinselor. Their dedication and contributions are invaluable, and I wholeheartedly support their commitment and spirited work.