Zenon Storybook AZ

Hey guys. I’ve been creating content for Zenon for 2 years now, the articles as well as the storybook. The goal being to educate people about Zenon and to present Zenon in a positive light.

Their reception has been positive, and my performance data is rudimentary, but it shows that when we started pumping about a month ago, my stuff got 200 views in the span of 3 days, and has had another 300 views since then, so I think I contributed to the narrative which helped our recent growth and onboarding new people.

I’ve been encouraged to seek funding support from the DAO, so I’ve made this proposal for 5k ZNN and 50k QSR.

EDIT for additional comment:
As for data, personal effort and future value:

I went back over my medium which has 30+ articles of a marketing/educational nature. They have 3850 views combined, which is quite high when you consider how under the radar Zenon is – it’s arguably punching above its weight there. There are also some Twitter metrics to support, so the Storybook had 218 link clicks, 7672 impressions on Twitter. It is about 40% a historical timeline, 20% educational and 20% future roadmap.

All of this content took me many, many hours to make. Easily north of 200 hours which I put in during the bear with a crashed price. The opportunity cost for such an endeavour is heavy.

And I’d like to point out that many of the articles have future value – for example, stuff I wrote earlier in the year helped with the recent pump we had when there was that burst of 500 new views I mentioned. In another 6 months, those same articles will be reread and explain the same things for new people to read.


I encourage ongoing contributions, but I will vote no 5 times with ZenonORG and HyperGrowth Pillars for the following reasons:

  • No evidence of content having an impact on growth.
  • Your calculated cost per view seem astronomical. The most expensive CPM’s probably wouldn’t even compare to the rate you’re calculating here.
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I respect your position.

I will make an extra comment shortly to further clarify some things.

As for data, personal effort and future value:

I went back over my medium which has 30+ articles of a marketing/educational nature. They have 3850 views combined, which is quite high when you consider how under the radar Zenon is – it’s arguably punching above its weight there. There are also some Twitter metrics to support, so the Storybook had 218 link clicks, 7672 impressions on Twitter. It is about 40% a historical timeline, 20% educational and 20% future roadmap.

All of this content took me many, many hours to make. Easily north of 200 hours which I put in during the bear with a crashed price. The opportunity cost for such an endeavour is heavy.

And I’d like to point out that many of the articles have future value – for example, stuff I wrote earlier in the year helped with the recent pump we had when there was that burst of 500 new views I mentioned. In another 6 months, those same articles will be reread and explain the same things for new people to read.

But what are views worth if you currently can’t prove their effects on price growth or new participation?

I wouldn’t ask 5K ZNN 50K QSR for quoting this tweet over and over for it to get 8K views (which maybe converted some users, maybe didn’t). With the newly launched Attribute + NoM bridge event integration + static funnels, marketers will be able to prove the value their content drives.

Another example: I promoted as a test my blog post re: Taproot. The link click cost was $0.18 per click.

To match your traffic of 3850 views/clicks, I’d have to spend $693.

So the traffic is relatively cheap to buy, why should the network be buying for production at costs of thousands if we don’t even know if it’s converting participation? 5K ZNN + 50K QSR isn’t cheap.

The problem: sometimes people think that content creation = marketing. People want to get paid, but when you ask “okay but how can you prove this spend converts value?” … silence

I voted yes and will vote yes with others. I don’t care about metrics, I’m a Chad. I encourage contributions. I don’t undermine efforts.

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5,000 ZNN @ $1.76 = $8,800 USD
50,000 QSR @ 0.176 = $8,800 USD
Total = $17,600 USD

Cost to drive 3850 views = $693.

$17,600 - $693 = $16,907 USD

My ad promoted Taproot blog post cost $2.45 per 1k impressions.

His 7,672 impressions are valued at $18.80 given the same rate.

$16,907 - $18.80 = $16,888.20 USD

$16,888.20 / 200 (his estimated hours) = $84.44 USD per hour or

$16,888.20 / 30 (number of articles estimated) = $562.94 USD per article

My taproot blog post was written for free with GPT, in 15 minutes.

If we forget the cost of production he calculated for himself:

$17,600 / 3850 article views = $4.57 per click. Compared to the $0.18 per click via advertising, his calculated fee is 25.39 times more expensive (if we include the production cost in the whole).

For it to catch up in value to of $0.18 per click, it would take 97,778 organic article views (probably a very long time, since we can’t prove the new participation / conversions his articles drive).

What a waste of AZ funds if this gets approved. The whole strategy wasn’t thought through. I’m sorry but the network shouldn’t accept proposals just because people contribute. Many others contribute (without conversion proof), and likely converted more value than what he’s asking-for.

I’m all for contributions, at fair market value though. Undermining is a critical way to say “evaluate”. Just doing due diligence on such claims in proposals:

I think I contributed to the narrative which helped our recent growth and onboarding new people.

Additional comment: It isn’t fair to expect someone to be a specialist at both content creation and distribution; you can pay two people for the two different roles.

I have a critique of a purely data-based approach. Onboarding people requires content creation and gaining exposure. This can be outsourced to two different people. One specialising in content creation (this proposal), then you have your influencers who specialise in giving the content exposure to a new audience to create conversions as they have already built an existing following – this is exactly what happened with our recent pump. Those influencers shared my articles and they have gotten 500 views total since the pump, 200 in the span of 3 days – I doubt any of those were from the existing Zenon community. It was new people, the ones buying in and joining telegram.

As an anecdote, here’s how hard it is for one person to wear both hats (content creation and distribution). There’s an influencer called Tyler (I swear it’s not my main account lol) whose handle is @ApeDurden, he has 94k followers. In 2022 he pinned my game theory for progressive decentralisation article in his private investor group to shill people – but then I checked my Twitter. He never liked or retweeted my post. The play always seems to be quietly accumulate.

So if my content, even when retweeted by Zenon’s main page stays trapped in the bubble of existing holders, and even when influencers discover it they purposely share it in a stealth-like manner, and when I go to funding support from the DAO after 2 years of work, if I’m denied? You can’t see how that would be an issue for growing a young, community-run project? Or do we think Zenon’s success is guaranteed, and the budget for Growth should therefore be 0% because it will happen anyway? Are you willing to bet your bags on that? Not to mention bet with everything Zenon is trying to achieve? The reality is there is a time-pressure where Zenon has to stay competitive with the rest of the market. The new money from community growth can pay for new devs and so on in a positive feedback loop. Growth is therefore important for Zenon’s success and should have an allocation imo.

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Thank you for your support.

My math is simple, I voted yes to Shazz’s copy paste PDF, so I voted yes for Zyler’s 40 articles over a 2 year span that has maintained the Zenon community engagement and keeps the heart beat alive while the community devs continue to work behind the scenes.

I feel that many in the community are overlooking the value of engaging with and retaining our existing members (which can be seen as a form of customer retention), focusing instead primarily on acquiring new members.

Both are contributing factors to demand and supply. Go figure


Alot of Zyler’s posts were fresh and innovative content, yours was actually copy and paste from TG lmao. Cry all you want about how much effort it took and how its so much more valueable than other peoples work. You just look like an entitled baby at this point

You never approached me for voting, you only publicly tried to humilate my pillar on twitter… expecting that to change my mind, when we finally had a reason for you to ask me to vote and for us to move on from our issues.

Piss off with your stupid valuation figores

Yeah maybe just stop focusing on arbitrary metrics, just sometimes.

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Quality grassroots content being produced from a proven community member for a significant amount of time has to be worth something.

Im pretty sure the argument has been made in the past that its up to the community maximize the reach and value of this sort of content.

Is this $15k+ worth of work?

40 articles and a pdf the precedent says yes.

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Would you consider resubmitting for a lesser amount @zyler9985?


The OP used metrics to sell his proposal, it’s only natural for us to use whichever tools at our disposal to value his work.

This sounds more arbitrary than any of my logical and proven math.