Unreceived Transactions - Please help

Hello folks,

I just logged into my wallet for the first time in a while and collected my pillar rewards from Zircon. The transaction was made but I have never received the ZNN.
I checked my address at zenonhub, and see is is ‘unreceived’, as well as 1000 PP unreceived a month ago.

Please help me out here, not sure what the issue is.

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Are you using 0.0.7 syrius?

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Unlike other L1s, you need to actually receive the TX. you do that by opening your wallet.

yes indeed

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update: reboot and restart of wallet and both tx’s received.
it was strange bc the wallet had been open and synced yesterday. Restart of the wallet didn’t change anything; only reboot. Weird shit

I had that issue

This issue may be resolved with v0.1.0.