Syrius Wallet Mobile App

Fantastic job making the iOS version look native.


Based blazer, congrats on the release! Wen appstore?!


Congratz on the release. Amazing job :clap:


I see syrius mobile already supports all locales. I will be happy to submit a Spanish translation.

Additionally, I will be taking a closer look at your implementation of the intl package so I can do the needful for syrius desktop.


I’ve integrated the native PoW library. It works wonderfully on both Android and iOS. You can either fuse QSR or perform the PoW on-device.

Check my comment. I’ve provided the fix.

We need all major locales.

I’ll need some help with the CICD pipeline for automatic releases… someone that has experience with Github Actions. For iOS releases we need a developer certificate. You don’t need a certificate for running the app on an iOS simulator.

@CryptoFish @coinselor can you review and merge the mobile-support branch into znn_sdk_dart master?

Thank you all for the support. I’ve applied for the release of the AZ funds. I’m preparing the next major release.


Latest build (myself - not from the Dr.) in case you don’t want to build this yourself.


@aliencoder has experience with this.


I’ve tested this on android and it works great :pray:

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We need certs for the IOS app, android APK, and windows desktop Syrius exe too. Any advice on how to progress this whilst anonymous?

Options exist for gettint code signing certs without a company or LLC etc. but new HSM requirements are going to make it difficult

@DrBlaze_21 Can you create a PR to merge the mobile-support branch to zenon-network:develop and add the appropriate reviewers.

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I don’t think it is possible. I’ve looked into iOS. It requires a developer account and you either need to be a real person or a real company.

maybe @DrBlaze_21 has some insight if he’s worked in the mobile space

also some feedback on the wallet:
-Can’t change the ChainID until a wallet is created or imported (i assume this is intended though)
-Can’t seem to import an 18 word seed phrase either (which my old testnet wallet used for mobile testing was from), after 12 words are entered it hides the word choice field with the import button


@CryptoFish please ask @0x3639 how he built the mobile app. I assume flutter build apk --release.

It contains the library inside the APK file. You can unarchive the APK and check this path: ./app-release/lib/arm64-v8a/

That’s correct. After a proper review, the community can decide to start the listing process for the mobile apps.

It’s intended. The seed is a representation of your private keys. After you create/import them you can setup the network(s).

The mobile wallet supports 12 or 24 words seeds just like the desktop counterpart. We can implement support for 15/18/21 words seeds, but they are so rare it’s not worth the effort. What we can do is implement BIP39 passphrase support.

@DrBlaze_21 both my own and that of 0x’s have the same problem on my phone.

I’m running the app on a Samsung Exynos 2200 processor.

I’ve build the app using an explicit target platform: flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm64 --release

Checked that the resulting APK file had both the file included in both the lib/arm64-v8a and lib/x86_64 directory.

Cleared the cache and uninstalled the app completely before installing the APK file.


Try again the latest commit. Thanks!

@CryptoFish @vilkris I’ve updated the Dart SDK pull request for mobile-support to support both Dart and Flutter environments out-of-the-box.

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I’ve created a Github Actions pipeline for the Android build. Check it over here:


PoW is working now. Great work!


I’ve released slices per ABI:





Ethereum support is work in progress. Preparing a very big update.


Sounds sweet, will P2P swap be able to do as well, ex ZNN to wETH/ETH direct in wallet?

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