Syrius Wallet Mobile App

I can integrate the embedded node, but it needs to be compiled for Android and iOS. I saw that libznn is built only for desktops.

This is something go-zenon developers should address.

I’ve suggested @mehowbrainz to setup a dedicated chat for mobile apps feedback.

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Here is the chat:

At the moment the go-zenon depends on C code:

Building znnd requires both a Go (version 1.16 or later) and a C compiler.

That means that we need to cross-compile it for every CPU architecture. I used xgo to do that and unfortunately it doesn’t support mobile targets.

If we can get rid of the C code dependencies and have a clean Go only codebase, we can easily target Android and iOS.

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Looks like the wallet link expired. I uploaded it here.

@DrBlaze_21 can you please share the checksum of the original file so others can verify the authenticity of this file? Maybe others community members can do it too who downloaded the file.

certutil -hashfile syrius-debug-alpha.apk MD5

md5 syrius-debug-alpha.apk

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Send 200znn and 500 qsr but the 500 qsr balance displays wrongly.

Also can’t change the name of adress 1.

And yeah I accidentally did it on main net, saw your post @DrBlaze_21 about asking not to after :joy:


Beautiful wallet and thank you for the work.

There’s a bug when you have the same word twice in your seed.
The word is “movie” in this case.
Once I select it, both turn grey and I’m left with 11 words and can’t confirm my seed backup.


It would be great.

The app is signed with a debug keystore. SHA-256 checksum:


What node do you use?



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I’m interested in UX feedback. How can we improve the UX of the mobile apps?

Used my own pillar adres as a node.

@DrBlaze_21 does this require a go-zenon v0.0.6 node that supports big int? I’m trying to get some testnet ZNN from but I cannot seem to get any.

using my testnet node on the hypercore testnet - wss://

sending to this address: z1qzu0c96cdq5q5z7amrlha64vea3j4funkfjf45

I can see lots of unreceived TXs. this is the wallet address for the mobile wallet I’m testing. I have the chain ID set to 321.

I see lots of spinning circle here


Yes, the mobile wallet only supports big-int nodes.

Syrius Mobile Wallet v0.0.2 is now live

  1. If you have a previous version of the Syrius wallet installed on your mobile device, please uninstall it (the versioning changed).
  2. Install Syrius v0.0.2


  • :alien: Added Staking feature
  • :alien: Added Delegation feature
  • :cockroach: Fixed mnemonic bug
  • :cockroach: Fixed QSR display bug

Can someone send me some test funds?

connected to wss://
Chain ID 3

  • no need to set mnemonic off the bat, prompts you to backup

  • assets tab just shows the green loading circle thing endlessly. History tab successfully shows “nothing to show”

  • was able to create new addresses

  • was not able to rename wallet addresses

  • love the AZ tab, none of the buttons are live yet it seems

UX wise - no major complaints, the logic behind actions and clicks seems very sound. Couple of small things though:

  • Font size of warnings such as the text when setting a PIN, seems a bit small “The PIN will be used to encrypt your seed”
  • I haven’t been able to find a direct way to bring up the token list
  • The ‘long-click’ on fields, is that meant to trigger a Copy action? Or it the animation just for visual effect?

Awesome work - many thanks for your efforts


I’ve reposted v0.0.2 on DigitalOcean in case we run out of downloads



  • Increase contrast of the “…” button with the background. At least to the lighter shade of the Fuse,Send, Receive buttons.

  • After copying the wallet address to the clipboard, I think the initial bottom modal popup notification is enough. The top right Bell indicator should not light up with the same (1) notification. I think showing the notification is fine when you open the bell, but should be shown as already greyed out given the user has already seen it at the bottom once.

Possible bugs:

  • Endless loading indicator in the assets tab on the main screen (I think I’m correctly connected to the testnet node, no reason for it to permanently load). Could use some QSR to test fusing and other functionality, please send testnet funds to:


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I did have v0.0.1 running without problems but after uninstalling and trying v0.0.2 it will not get past the logo loading screen. Any ideas?

Thank you for your time.

I’ve fused 1000 QSR and I’m getting this prompt when I’m trying to send some founds to another address. The tx goes through.

In the wallet section I’m getting the endless spinning circle for the assets tab

The button for editing the address name doesn’t seem to work, also I can’t switch between addresses

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This should work. Try clicking again on the + Create new address

Not implemented yet.

Check new download link below.

Did you try to create a new wallet?

This should be considered as a “recommendation” rather than a “prompt”.

Coingecko API is broken.

You need to click in the top right corner.

New v0.0.2 version. I forgot to add a SHA-256 checksum. Here’s the hash for the latest version:


Download latest version here. It is still v0.0.2 and you should first uninstall it.

  • Please don’t use mainnet funds
  • Check SHA-256 hash before installing


  • :cockroach: Fixed delegation amount
  • :cockroach: Fixed owner address display
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Since enter the last pin, it take about 2-3 seconds being on this display.
And the last pin “dot” doesnt filled.
Hope for better ux at this stage

I was reporting it does work :+1: sorry for the confusion

Tested the newest version too, experienced the same lag on entering the last pin digit as @crack above

Also still have the spinning wheel under Assets tab always

Another UX suggestion: add a plasma indicator on the Wallet page for the selected address. Like a bar or something that is filled a percentage based on how much plasma you have fused?