Steganography NFT: What can it be used for?

I feel like this general idea from stamps, combined with the feeless NoM, could solve the container size problem:
(Mostly posting the tweet for the graphic visual.)

I also have these thoughts about Bitcoin ordinals - do miners hold the complete files on their node? If a node hosts illegal data, how does that play out, with law enforcement?

If all the data on NoM is fragmented, nodes don’t have that concern. And it would provide for the data slurry to hide stego data.

IPFS kind of works this way, right?

Seems like anti-ordinal BTC maxis would want to support this.

Stamp is retarded. Nobody cares about it not should care.

You don’t like Stamps because of cost or for a different reason? They’re unprunable but have some tradeoffs.

Don’t tell me you care about UTXO bloat.

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No, I just think it’s not getting any following, no narrative, nothing. It appeared for some to be able to get low inscriptions numbers after they missed the Ordinal run. I don’t see anything good about it VS what Ordinals brings. It looks like a stretch marketing prunning proof non sense in order to take off, and it didn’t work.

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Might stimulate some ideas: