Proposal: Marketing Survey Report


The Zenon Marketing Survey Report serves as the foundation for strategic marketing plans, offering essential insights and a messaging framework that ensures all PR and marketing activities align with the network’s unique value propositions. This alignment is crucial for resonating effectively with target audiences, whether through organic or traditional advertising, websites, or media interactions.

The Marketing Survey Report is the product of comprehensive research and data analytics, including a community survey that gathered feedback from 27 stakeholders within Zenon. This primary research is instrumental in crafting evidence-based narratives that are tailored to Zenon’s unique ecosystem. The document distills key themes, messages, and unique selling points, providing a guide for future marketing efforts across all channels.

Producing the Marketing Survey Report from within the Zenon community, led by a long-time, dedicated contributor, offers unique value over hiring an external expert. Additionally, the high-quality report would serve as an ideal starting point for an outside marketing agency, should one be employed in the future.

Funding Request

10 ZNN (minimum allowed)
12,000 QSR for work completed.

Given the critical role of the Marketing Survey Report in Zenon’s ongoing and future marketing efforts, I am requesting funding for the completed work. The report is a vital asset that will serve as a data-driven reference for Zenon’s brand positioning, supporting the network’s growth and success.

The community was recently offered the production of this work by an outside agency for $3,500 USDC. As a fully invested member of the network, I am willing to accept payment in QSR, which is advantageous for price action, will be used to set up network infrastructure, and will partially offset the ZNN I have had to sell OTC to family and friends to support my continuous work on Zenon.

I believe AZ funding is appropriate for this work because it benefits the entire network and falls within the scope of AZ. However, I am open to other ideas.

I am also happy to walk through the entire document in a meeting, in addition to the fact that the data will support daily marketing operations and discussions.

Read the Report

Zenon Mood Boards (Pinterest)
“If Zenon was a car.”
“Respondents’ Favorite Brands”


Another PDF!!


The parenthesis were a low key shoutout. You didn’t miss.

I read through it all. Very insightful, and funny at times. Some of the responses had me cracking up.

You have my support.

One thing I would love to see from this is an action plan the community can follow to increase it’s crypto footprint. Basically, taking the nuggets into actionable steps. For instance, if the recommendation is to start with micro influencers/kols, then the action would be to generate a list of possible best candidates to reach out to.

Timing would be really good given the incentivized Phase Z. I doubt we are getting hundreds of request to participate. We must do the outbound marketing of Phase Z to onboard micro KOLs.


We can def take next steps for structured action plans and initiatives. I just had to choose a point to put a proposal forth. Hopefully there is support to keep going. Thank you. :pray:t3:

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I support an AZ to pay for this survey report because:

  • I believe it summarizes nicely some core network problems.
  • I can leverage some information from it to enhance my work.

I would however vote to rebrand it as a survey than a Core Messaging Document.

Also question: If schizo is a primary reason for joining Zenon, and schizo is a factor for increasing position in Zenon, then why is schizo so vilified when used in public (at least how I feel sometimes the community responded to schizo usage)?

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Thank you for the support.

Yes, I agree that schizo is one of the clearest signals from the doc.

If a title change is wanted, that’s fine. I think I initially titled it the “Zenon Survey Report” but leaned in favor of titling it as Core Messaging Doc in order to encourage marketers to utilize it as a tool - whereas “survey” sounds a bit weak and less likely to be utilized. I do appreciate your take on it.

I have lots of thoughts on the survey data but that’s another thread. :handshake: :alien:

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It would be nice to streamline these sentiment surveys periodically i.e. bi-yearly to follow on progress of community sentiment. Also increase participation from one survey to the next. Date the reports, engage new survey participation from existing community (highlight the value it delivers to marketing participants).

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Currently, much of the broader adoption of crypto, including Bitcoin, is driven by speculation. This dynamic is expected to evolve as real-world use cases are developed. Speculation, therefore, is the most effective strategy for Zenon adoption, including schizo theories. However, a recent attempt shared in tg that used a speculative ‘schizo’ approach fell short in converting a potential ZNN crowd. In my opinion, it’s more effective to speculate on the potential uses of the technology itself, using schizo elements as a supplementary tactic to sway those who remain hesitant.

As you know, understanding your audience is crucial—what works as a first point of contact for one person might not work for another. I’m sure for some schizo works immediately.


I missed it, will look.

Will vote yes 5 times with all Pillars for this AZ, but as a disclaimer, my votes aren’t in agreement with its description which I quote: “This project serves as the foundation for strategic marketing plans.”

I don’t believe the description reflects what the delivered document represents. My votes value its survey content exclusively. I don’t believe it holds enough to be called a foundational document for strategic marketing plans (needs quite some work to get there).

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*“foundation for the foundation of strategic marketing plans” - data for myriad decentralized marketing strategies.

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I’m in support of this, particularly due to the fair asking price and the value these insights can provide to future marketing efforts. I’d like to suggest an exec summary (1 pager) to really succinctly summarize the main themes and actions

My main gripe however is I’d like to see these proposals submitted (to the forum at least) prior to the work being completed so that we have the opportunity to guide/adjust/modify the proposed works to better suit the needs of the system noting it is to be paid by the treasury.

Thanks stark


Re: schizo - keep in mind the polls have a strong survivorship bias and while among 27 (?) respondents schizo was a contributing factor, it antagonized many outsiders due to being unsubstantiated and presented devoid of technical progress/fundamentals

In other words, asking bagholders what made them join / stick around tells you little about why newcomers would join 5 years later.

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