Lost my coins

Hello everyone, I haven’t logged into my wallet for a couple of months, during which time I completely reinstalled Windows and installed a new Syrius wallet. I entered it by entering a short code of 12 words and there are no coins in the wallet and no information about transfers and staking and a different address, who can help me please?

did u enter the words in correct order? u will get a new wallet if the orders are changed. Meanwhile if u have hash of any previous transaction u can use that to find your old address and balance

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I think yes
How can i enter the words again?
And i have my old address on photo
Maybe u can say where i can enter it
Any tool or smth

When you log into SYRIUS for the first time if you type the password incorrectly 3 times it will wipe the wallet and start over. You can try that. If a scammer DMs you please do not use them to help. We can help you right here in the forum.

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Make sure to connect to a node that is up-to-date. If you install a clean version of Syrius it will start at Momentum 1.

You can connect to one of the following public nodes:

  • wss://my.hc1node.com:35998
  • wss://node.zenonhub.io:35998

You can connect to one of these by pressing the cog wheel > scroll down > ‘node management’ > add node. Afterwards you have to select the node!

GL zir.


Thx everyone for help
I log in in to my account!


How did u solve the issue?