Installation Instructions
The instructions below are for setting up a devnet with the HTLC branch merged. In addition, we setup the Zenon SDK for .NET.
Video Tutorial with Copy / Paste commands below
Required Software
We will need git to interact wth the GitHub repositories. Execute the following command in a Terminal.
sudo apt install git
We will need Go to to compile the go-zenon code. Execute the following command in Terminal.
sudo apt install golang-go
Install DotNet SDK
The .NET SDK allows you to develop apps with .NET. If you install the .NET SDK, you don’t need to install the corresponding runtime. To install the .NET SDK, run the following commands in the Terminal:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y dotnet6
Install Make
sudo apt install make
GCC compiler
We need a gcc compiler to compile the go-zenon code. Check to make sure gcc is installed.
gcc --version
You should see something like the following in Ubuntu 22.04
gcc (Ubuntu 11.2.0-19ubuntu1) 11.2.0
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
If gcc is not installed run the following command
sudo apt install gcc
After installing all the above tools make sure you close and open a new Bash Shell.
To use git we need to configure an user. Use you GitHub account if you have one; otherwise you can use anything you like.
git config --global [your e-mail]
git config --global [your name]
We will make a repos directory under the current userprofile to store all our work. Replace the path if you want it stored on a different location.
cd ~/
mkdir repos
cd repos
BICH go-zenon
Create a clone of the devnet branch of the Big Inches Club House go-zenon repository.
git clone -b devnet
Change directory to the go-zenon directory.
cd go-zenon
Merge the htlc branch with the devnet branch.
git merge origin/htlc
Compile the go-zenon code.
make znnd
Configure and run a devnet node.
./build/znnd --data ./devnet generate-devnet --genesis-block=z1qqjnwjjpnue8xmmpanz6csze6tcmtzzdtfsww7,40000,400000
./build/znnd --data ./devnet
Keep the shell open during the duration of this tutorial. It is now possible to connect the Zenon Explorer to the node.
Open a web browser and go to and connect the Zenon Explorer to
Search for the address z1qqjnwjjpnue8xmmpanz6csze6tcmtzzdtfsww7
Try the Firefox browser if the Zenon Explorer does not want to connect. Google Chrome can throw a mixed content error when connecting to an insecure destination
Open a new Bash Shell and change directory to repos.
cd ~/repos
Create a clone of the htlc branch of the KingGorrin znn-cli-csharp repository.
git clone -b htlc
Change directory to the znn_cli_csharp directory.
cd znn_cli_csharp
Compile the znn_cli_csharp code
dotnet build --runtime linux-x64 src/ZenonCli/ZenonCli.csproj
Change directory to the binaries directory.
cd ~/repos/znn_cli_csharp/bin/ZenonCli/net6.0/linux-x64