Thanks for the update. I reviewed the changes and they look good. Please let us know when we should test anything.
I’ve found a potential solution for how Syrius can source these libs as opposed to relying on the prepackaged /blobs/ in Syrius and znn_sdk_dart (here and here).
I’ll have to update the three CMAKE files (example) in my repo soon.
Do you have concerns with building Syrius using Github Actions? I find create-dmg-action is lacking features, but maybe we can extend it.
Edit: updated link for ‘extend it’
I believe libznn must also be renamed when you package it.
For the Windows release, it’s named libznn-windows-amd64.dll.
I haven’t tested this yet, but I think these Move required libraries steps (mac, win) might need an -f or -o flag for unzip in case the libs are already present in the Release dir.
I’ve started to test Syrius on Mac w/ M1. Have a look at this image. Not sure if you used that DMG creation script we found, but this image seems to be out of place a little. The text does not line up with the green pill area.
I was messing w/ this script and I found you need to resize the image your self to 72dpi before uploading it. I also found I needed to use .png rather than TIFF or JPG. Even thought the script will handle them. Not sure if this is the issue or not.
@aliencoder Everything is working great. I’ll do a test TX too.
I wonder if we can depreciate / disable this page in Syrius. The bridge ZNN > wZNN is depreciated and this page is confusing.
I wonder if the bottom two buttons should be removed or unable to click and add a note the bridge is disabled and will be replaced with a new bridge in 2023?
I was able to round trip (2) QSR transactions on the mac install. Do you want me to test plasma creation? Not sure that is necessary. Don’t think anything you did would impact that.
Hello and thank you for the feedback. The problem was the Github workflow that loaded the old x86_64 libznn.dylib instead of the fat one.
Kudos to @ZNNAYIID for the nice looking graphics. Just a little suggestion: “Drag Syrius wallet to the Applications folder” + the space dedicated for the two icons should be a little bit larger.
Also kudos to @sol and @0x3639, awesome work. I’ll update the Github Actions workflows and fix the MacOS and Linux builds.
Happy to announce that we have a working syrius wallet. I’ve incremented the version to v0.0.6 (I need to update the version in the codebase, too) because I’ve added multi-address and dynamic-chainId. The embedded node is also present now.