Added action status badges in the README and updated syrius_library_updater such that it won’t fail if changes are not present.
I think I can move forward and submit PRs for Github Actions for all repos.
Are there any other problems?
Can you please update all github workflows to echo the individual file hashes to stdout?
Otherwise, how will users know which workflow produced the releases?
Example: 1, 2
Also, do we need to make sure the source code zip is updated with each release?
I don’t quite understand your concern. The action outputs all hashes to the SHA256CHECKSUMS.txt
Need to check how to include the source code.
Since there have been multiple workflows, it’s not easy for a user to confirm which one uploaded the releases.
One can assume “the latest workflow produced the files” but it would be better to see in the action output which flow is related to those hashes.
Oh, I see. Please let me think about it.
@sol check this out:
I don’t know why it didn’t put the body
with the information from the GA job:
It’s looking good, but…
I checked the actions and it should be easier for people to determine when the releases were generated. Thank you!
It’s not perfect… yet.
I think I solved it. The only problem that remains is that the tag
is created from the master
branch, instead of cicd
- pending issue.
This week I’m preparing to submit the AZ Github Actions Project
So far I think we have a robust CICD
pipeline. The next step will be to implement reproducible builds.
Hi @aliencoder,
I looked at the cicd github workflows and I’m concerned with some of the more minor dependencies not used by many people. Could we somehow refactor the code / isolate them in a separate job / reference a commit hash instead of using a specified version? or a combination of those workarounds / solutions?
The goal would be to minimize the possible vulnerabilities from including these third-party repositories in our build process.
I see you mentioned harden-runner in your opening post, so it’s clear this is something you already considered.
I hope you understand and look forward to reviewing and testing more of the less critical syrius bug fixes and improvements contributed
I’ve implemented security hardening for Github Actions.
Hope everybody will support my PRs and my proposals
Thank you for all your contributions and hard work!!
Thank you, zir
Unfortunately govulncheck
I’ve commented out the govulncheck
tool because the fix is to use latest Go version (even Go 1.20.1
returns a vulnerability).
At the moment xgo
uses Go 1.20.0
Created pull request for go-zenon
: cicd: Github Actions workflow by alienc0der · Pull Request #15 · zenon-network/go-zenon · GitHub
- Added iOS Simulator ARM64 architecture in the
- Added Android x86_64 architecture for both
libraries - Updated upload-action
to latest version
Syrius Mobile?