Today we setup some new automations to drive more visibility to Zenon Network.
- Developed a list of hashtags related to: LP’ing, running validators/nodes (more will be added)
- Automation tools search the hashtags and collect URLs of tweets including those hashtags. Runs many times a day, it’s always searching.
- Automation tools auto-like those tweets throughout the day. If more tweets are added to the list, it auto-likes the new tweets.
- Original posters of the liked tweets get a notification when ZenonOrg likes their tweet – a small percentage of original posters may visit the ZenonOrg profile and perhaps discover the Zenon Network.
- Passive strategy that pokes tweeters posting content that fits Zenon needs.
An evolved version of this strategy would be to engage a relevant reply to the auto-liked tweets.
It’s not possible for us to employ such strategies to the @Zenon_Network handle as we don’t have control over it.