Extension Chains: smart contracts for NoM

Any update @aliencoder ?

I’m finishing the dynamic Plasma proposal right now and after that I’ll be back working on extension chains.


Please remove the fee.

The devnet for the extension chain is up and running again.

All previous balances were preserved.

Extension chain RPC details:

Network name: XZNN
New RPC URL: https://ext-testnet.zenon.community
Chain ID: 73405
Currency symbol: xZNN
Block explorer URL: TBA


Requesting 5K xZNN


The idea is to deploy a Tendermint light client as an embedded contract on NoM to provide a bridge between NoM and Cosmos based chains (the extension-chain is a Cosmos chain fork).

“Light clients (and full nodes) operating in the Proof Of Stake context need a trusted block height from a trusted source that is no older than 1 unbonding window plus a configurable evidence submission synchrony bound. This is called weak subjectivity.”

“IBC uses light clients in order to provide trust-minimized interoperability between sovereign blockchains. Light clients operate under a strict set of rules which provide security guarantees for state updates and facilitate the ability to verify the state of a remote blockchain using merkle proofs.”

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Are you thinking we do NOT use the bridge for connection between the L1 and Extension Chain?

For v1 we should use the bridge. Fastest go-to-market strategy.


I think we’ll go with a simpler 50% - 50% fee distribution model where the fees are split evenly between extension-chain validators (Pillars) and contract deployers.

Pillars will be able to run nodes and they should be properly incentivized to sustain the extension-chain.

Supernova extension-chain with dual-VM support EVM and WASM

  • Pillars will be able to register as extension-chain validators with their producer keystore
  • Orchestrator support for ext-chain (with configurable parameters)
  • Built-in support for swapping ZNNxZNN
  • Deploy EVM contracts
  • Deploy WASM contracts

I’m searching for a name for the first NoM extension-chain, if you have ideas please share them over here.

  • Supernova
  • Neutronum
  • Starfield
  • Other
0 voters

How about


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Starfield sound pretty cool!!


short and sweet

I suggest CYGNUS

Cygnus is a binary star. It is the optical counterpart of Sirius.

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Zenon XT

It would make much more sense ticker wise if we are set on xZNN or something similar. If we really want to maintain ZNN as part of the ticker, I think maintaining Zenon in the name makes sense.

Zenon Plus
Zenon Infinity

Alternatively, we can just use ZNN as the native ticker, without any distinctions, akin to how Arbitrum/Optimism/etc name ETH just ETH. In that case, we could use any name. Here’s a list of random stars:

  1. Sirius
  2. Canopus
  3. Arcturus
  4. Vega
  5. Capella
  6. Rigel
  7. Procyon
  8. Betelgeuse
  9. Altair
  10. Aldebaran
  11. Antares
  12. Spica
  13. Pollux
  14. Fomalhaut
  15. Deneb
  16. Regulus
  17. Castor
  18. Gacrux
  19. Bellatrix
  20. Algol
  21. Alphard
  22. Mizar
  23. Dubhe
  24. Algenib
  25. Mirfak
  26. Alnair
  27. Alnilam
  28. Alnitak
  29. Diphda
  30. Mimosa
  31. Regor
  32. Wezen
  33. Suhail
  34. Kaus Australis
  35. Avior
  36. Alkaid
  37. Menkent
  38. Acrux
  39. Almach
  40. Eltanin
  41. Scheat
  42. Markab
  43. Alpheratz
  44. Hadar
  45. Denebola
  46. Gienah
  47. Muhlifain
  48. Naos
  49. Schedar
  50. Shaula
  51. Nunki
  52. Zubenelgenubi
  53. Zubeneschamali
  54. Sargas
  55. Kaus Media
  56. Kaus Borealis
  57. Thuban
  58. Rastaban
  59. Alderamin
  60. Altarf
  61. Ankaa
  62. Azha
  63. Caph
  64. Deneb Algedi
  65. Enif
  66. Fafnir
  67. Girtab
  68. Hamal
  69. Izar
  70. Kraz
  71. Lesath
  72. Markeb
  73. Nihal
  74. Phact
  75. Ruchbah
  76. Sadr
  77. Skat
  78. Tureis
  79. Unukalhai
  80. Vindemiatrix
  81. Zaurak
  82. Zosma
  83. Acamar
  84. Achernar
  85. Agena
  86. Alcor
  87. Alioth
  88. Alphecca
  89. Alshain
  90. Altair
  91. Alya
  92. Anser
  93. Arneb
  94. Ascella
  95. Asterope
  96. Atik
  97. Atlas
  98. Atria
  99. Auva
  100. Azmidiske
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Ok ZVM is growing on me.


Any particular reason for the separate name?

I like Supernova ZVM. It feels like lotion on my brain.


The roadmaps now mapped in the starfield.

@aliencoder please can you reconsider this fees topic.
give the people what they want
feeless ETH - like ETH but feeless
the degens can then copy pasta fork eth contracts on the extension chains
we can have fun punting shitcoins without fees
also we can explore new stupid and pointless business models that weren’t possible without fees before

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