Extension Chain Gaming

We’ve had some great discussion so far from chadass, coinselor, romeo and more regarding gaming possibilities when the extension chain is live. Highly recommended to re-read the following two threads from chadass and coinselor:


I’d like to feature 2 or 3 games in upcoming marketing material such as an article and twitter thread. So what did we decide? I’d love if we could come up with a few ideas and as a community decide on 2 or 3 of them to feature and promote specifically.

I’d like to propose an October 31st deadline, we can chose via upvotes and a poll. That way no time is wasted with decision fatigue, the extension chain will go live and we can streamline to the ideas which have consensus.

I’d love a P2P racing game where you can wager ZTS, but what I want is irrelevant. What matters is attracting people to Zenon, in a way which is also reasonably easy to achieve given our limited resources and competing priorities. What does that look like?

Topic moved to Marketing

I’ve read somewhere there might be a few devs playing around with a game idea. We could also just support their initiatives by helping test the game and file bug reports, write documentation, create marketing content, work on tokenomics, etc…

It’s up to them to open the communication channel to allow external help, but we could make our voices heard that we are more than willing to help.

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