deeZNNuts Developer Funding Services

Guys would like to start a developer funding service. I recently launched a sentinel at this address z1qp3yevs79l432mnfrh9jkmuvnf6ucqnmkqvmlv for this purpose.

I’ll be posting more ZNN to the address over the coming days. ZNN / QSR will accumulate in the address and I would like to use it to fund developer bounties and small projects. After the developer completes the work and payment is made, I would request reimbursement from A Z on a periodic basis.

Projects would need to be preapproved by me in consultation with other community developers. We can use forum votes to accomplish this. We will make sure the community wants the project and the community developers are in alignment with the work. We would ask applicants to follow the same A Z Proposal process or simply respond to a bounty that is posted.

Once a project is approved we will confirm that in a forum post. The developer will do the work and post the code on github. All work should be open source and we will ask the community developers to review the work to ensure completeness. Upon completion would pay the developer from the address above and seek reimbursement through A Z. We will take the risk of repayment and ask an administrative fee of 5% to take this risk.

This is obviously a trusted system, but I have a large vested interest to perform. I operate a Pillar, Sentinels and a public node infrastructure at If I screwed the community it would destroy my reputation.

This system will allow smaller bounties to get funded quickly with less effort on the developers part. I’m looking for feedback and/or a vote below.

  • Yes I support this initiative
  • No I do NOT support this initiative
0 voters

I think it’s an excellent initiative. A smaller, more nimble developer accelerator, still funded by A-Z, community driven, and wherein the custodian is assuming all of the risk.

I wish I could vote in an official capacity.

You have my support and gratitude.


I will vote yes for any reasonable reimbursement. I’m sure you’ll put these funds to good use…

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I also vote yes, given the reimbursement requests are fair :slight_smile:

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Look like we have support! I posted the first bounty pillar will fund.

I’ve loaded up this funding wallet with some ZNN and QSR. This is in addition to the value of the Sentinel at this address. Both these assets will collateralize my commitment to fund developer projects needed by the community. All the rewards from operating the Sentinel will also accumulate in this address.