Buying guide for wZNN and wQSR

Contract for wQSR- 0x96546AFE4a21515A3a30CD3fd64A70eB478DC174

Contract for wZNN- 0xb2e96a63479C2Edd2FD62b382c89D5CA79f572d3

Uniswap wZNN buying link- ETH to wZNN-

Uniswap wZNN to wQSR swap link-

There is no USDT or any other stable coin market for wZNN and wQSR.

wZNN cud be traded only with ETH
wQSR cud be traded only with wZNN

Please cross check if this correct and works for you too.
If it’s good, this has to bepinned in main telegram chat and also has to be Twitted by official Twitter handle

The Uniswap link for buying wZNN needs to have the input/output currencies swapped:

Uniswap wZNN buying link- ETH to wZNN-


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Thx @sumamu I have made the correction

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wZNN and wQSR markets are listed on:

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I will unpin this topic from Zenon, the forums are a discussion space @0x3639.

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