AZ: Initiate Jump to Hyperspeed

The underlying issue is that the value of ZNN is too low. My plan is to correct that.

Thanks for the suggestion. This did cross my mind.

I think my reservation at this point would be the pushback I received, relative to dollar amount that I requested. Applying for these certificates would imply liability, work, time, and lawyers. I imagine people would be fine with paying the lawyer fees, and fees to third parties, but not fine with compensating me for my time with the lawyers, nor my liability.

I’m coming from a place of objectivity. I am aware of the psychology and real facets of these things.

Again, the primary fundamental problem is that the price is ZNN is low so we are in a chicken/egg situation. And to be clear, I understand why people don’t want to pay out ZNN.


You are wrong. People dont want to pay you because the price is low but because you are asking for excessive, guaranteed compensation in exchange for non-tangible, highly subjective, and potentially not quantifiable value.

In @romeo 's example, it would be simple.

  • you say you do X (e.g. publish an app). Base cost is Y, your fee is Y+Z.
  • Pillars vote on it and approve
  • you front the cost, execute, and get reimbursed through an AZ

Just like everyone else: offer a task and a price. deliver first, get paid later. This is the way and there is no way around it.


Isn’t that what Phases are for? We are not talking about marketing phases being payed out. This is a mere project proposal.

Correction: Stark did ask for funds for delivered work. You can agree or disagree there, obviously.

You say a lot of intelligent things that lose value do to your delivery. The people aspect of interpersonal communication is just much of a factor as the information. Whatever you add to the conversation in terms of quality insight is outweighed by your toxicity. Doesn’t hurt me, except where our goals align, because it detracts from your effectiveness.

You can learn a lot about yourself by observing what you project, superimpose, and assume about others.

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Ad hominem. This is text based communication, it has low context by default. You posted to get feedback. I gave it to you. Take it for face value.

To clear things out, I’m not against Stark’s initiative. I believe we need more members taking action.