AZ Github Actions on All Zenon-Network Repos + Various Fixes

It works. I don’t think I’ve received this message before.

znnd: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=182d8f5fd14dbf2e1b69a3                                                                                                                  8e8c2c75f70441316c, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped
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Starting znnd.
current time is 14009-04-02 48:14:42
version: v0.0.5
git-commit-hash: 7e9c440f7e5e368efbade77ca900efa1219af0d4
znnd will use at most 4 cpu-cores
Go Version:go1.20.3
Operating System:linux
Commit hash:7e9c440f7e5e368efbade77ca900efa1219af0d4

Producer Node configuration:
        Index: 0
        KeyFilePath: producer
Syncing with the network ...
There is no Pillar registered with  at momentum hash 9b16c2db9ba39f56193412d8a9f8a41f04881799f693e425787911d4db241432 and height 27070
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One small issue: the commit hash is not accurate. I’ll try to fix this as well.

If I can make time tomorrow I plan to try replicate this on Win 10. So far I’ve tested on ~5 different installs (not just vanilla VMs) without issue, 3 of those had Syrius 0.0.5 already installed

If I can’t replicate it would you or @ZNNAYIID be willing to run some tools to capture system processes/memory while you launch? I’ll write up some instructions on what’s needed. Then I can try troubleshoot


Sure I can do that!

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@ZNNAYIID @SugoiBTC can you guys try extract 0.0.6 to a new directory and run it? don’t bring any files across - don’t touch the cache in AppData\Roaming\znn either

does it launch? do you get a windows firewall prompt?

I’m always extracting syrius to new directory, and no I don’t get any windows firewall prompt.

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Same for me, it does give me the “Windows Defender” pop-up, but I also made sure to add the entire Syrius folder to my exceptions list

did you add the exception before you extracted the file?

The project is live on Accelerator-Z :partying_face:

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Are you going to ask for a full payout or phases?

@ZNNAYIID did you investigate the Syrius issue on your PC?

no not yet


so haven’t been able to replicate your issue - can you guys try the following when you have the time:

  • on the offending PC, download the procmon tool ( / Process Monitor - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn)

  • extract the zip to a directory, run Procmon64.exe

  • Press agree to the prompt, it will automatically start capturing so press this button ASAP to stop the capture

  • This should stop the capture, now clear the cache by pressing the red rubbish bin just to the right of the capture button

  • Press the capture button again, immediately after this go and launch SYRIUS and replicate the issue, then stop the capture again

  • It will log thousands of entries including background processes for normal Windows operation

  • Once stopped, go File>Save and choose these settings

Note: Some private info will be included, such as your PC username and hostname and maybe some IP info if the network stack is utilized. If you’re comfortable with that, please DM me the PML file here (or email) and I’ll start going through it this week to see if we can pinpoint the issue.


Thank you Romeo. I just finished following your instructions and will DM you the file right away!

I’ve gone through quickly on the dumps (thanks @ZNNAYIID and @SugoiBTC), there’s no obvious fault from a Windows perspective. I’m going to delve deeper on the DLLs it’s loading and see if there’s a dependency missing or something


That’s my guess too, some missing or incompatible symbols in the dlls.

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Just posted the Payout Phase for the Github Actions project.

I’ll continue maintaining/updating the actions accordingly. Thank you for all the support!