AZ Doable Projects

Why would it make sense to have a community, that is quite vocal about its tech illiteracy, decide on the right technology?

Kaine suggested WASM. He said the community should decide on it and whom should build it. We need a way to represent that decision. What other choice do we have?

The poll would not ask for a decision on the tech but just the following:

“Should the core team implement WASM as a smart contract runtime for Zenon?”



That’s an obvious yes, we don’t have to run a poll on that.
You’re also misrepresenting Kaine‘s statement. He didn’t suggest that the community should decide who builds it and those selected then follow through with it. Again, it‘s obvious that we wanted an implementation from the devs.

What other choice we have, I already described what I think should happen.

And that’s under the assumption that the team is not going to do it. This whole circus wouldn’t be necessary if they were willing to (if they even exist anymore).
Allegedly they are part of the community, there’s nothing holding them back.

I don’t think I’m misrepresenting his statement, it’s merely one way to interpret it.

Of course, it’s obvious we need them to do it but I only see two options at the moment:

  1. We do nothing and hope someone eventually comes along and magically builds the thing.
  2. We create rally the community behind a legitimate vote to show proof to Kaine that we all want them to do it.

I have reached out to him and extensively explained why them not implementing it will just delay any progress that can happen on Zenon. I’m just grasping at straws here - the polling is my last idea as it might have been what Kaine wanted us to do.

Or we can also try and submit an AZ proposal on behalf of the core team?

Pillars approve funds and we tell Kaine “here, you’ve been commissioned by the community to build this, thanks”.

I don’t agree with y’all saying that we absolutely need them.
We need the community to step up and organize itself. We’re dead in the water if we aren’t able to. At least if it’s not been some delaying tactics or joke or whatever, when kaine said „the team are part of the community“.

So if you want „them“ to build things, get the community to build things.

Scenario A) Current community devs build the runtime. I don’t see this happening anytime soon, else someone would have stepped up and actually started talking about how it would be done.

ETA: Unknown

Scenario B) Community tries to find external devs who implement it. Even if we were able to attract external devs they’d have to acquire an in-depth understanding of Zenon NoM prior to be able to write a single line of code. And they’d have to be more capable of the ones already in the community because they clearly don’t seem to be able to do it.

ETA: Anything between months and years from now.

Scenario C) Core team takes care of it.

Scenario C prevents otherwise willing and capable community members who are looking to build anything meaningful on a service level on top of NoM to just give up and leave because there is literally nothing for them to do until a SC runtime is available. Scenario C effectively prevents pissing away a good part of 3 years of community building because someone thinks this is Bitcoin in 2010 and wants to force the community to figure it out on their own.

To your comment that the team is now part of the community. They say they are but I don’t see them acting like it.

Just my 2 cents.


Yea I would very much prefer scenario c myself.

To your A, I literally explained how I think it would be done, so don’t mistake lack of visible progress with no progress at all or inability.
Even team building takes time when it has to be bootstrapped from nothing.

In any case, I agree with your ETA no matter what. It will take months, maybe a year if we don’t unexpectedly find ourselves in Sc. C.


If A is happening it would be reassuring that at least there is some progress.

But as said, it will delay any meaningful progress that can be done on the service layer until the runtime has been implemented and extensively tested. For many community members, this means there’s barely anything to contribute.

I have no doubt it will eventually be there and usable but I wonder how much momentum the core team is willing to sacrifice just for critical infra like this to be built “by the community”.


Why not post an A Z proposal in the forum describing the need for a WASM runtime. The “team” would be the core team. Run a poll asking if the community supports developing a WASM runtime by the core devs. We can all vote and sign messages in the comments for or against.

Assuming the community supports this initiative, we can then submit an A Z proposal in the wallet with the project link being the forum page with the poll. Assuming the Pillars support the project the community will have come together to communicate to the core devs our desire for them to implement WASM.

Thoughts? We don’t lose anything by trying this.

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Has he responded yet?

I dont expect him to. If he reads it I’m happy.

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If the WASM is crucial for Zenon, why the team expect the community to build it? I might missed this point.

Is the community able to develop it consider the current public information we have? Also, can it be built and to be align with future developments that the team is working on?

I might be wrong but if its in the community hands, then the core team must guide, review and directly discuss it with the group that doing it.

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Couldn’t we be getting ‘set up’ by the core team to see if we are capable of organizing/getting started. If they are part of the community, as soon as the community starts building such a critical piece as smart contracts (particularly since zApps were mentioned since day 1) I fully expect random devs popping up and submitting code and helping us to make sure we don’t fuck anything up.

Might just be wishful thinking, though. Worse come to worse, we get started and hit roadblocks/don’t receive proper guidance from the actual NoM experts and have to stop. It’s just wasted time and effort, but still better than arguing around. The fact that Kaine hasn’t been online for a while is very telling. We need to step up.

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This was always my thought - makes progress more sustainable long term by forcing the community to be self sufficient. Hard balance to obtain though