Acquired Media Contact Database of 4000 Blogs and YouTube Channels

Zenon.Org acquired a media contact list of 1200 blogs and 1200 youtube channels related to our industry.

Can be useful for sales, marketing, PR, journalism, product launches, advertising, press release distribution, guest post or sponsored post campaigns, affiliate collaborations, shout-outs, or guest interviews.

I started my web career in the video gaming industry publishing space ~2 decades ago.


And another 755 blogs and 850 youtube channels related to affiliate marketing, hustles, money making etc.

Time to build an army of Attribute Funnel NoM Bridge affiliates cc @sumamu @aliencoder.


So we have another tool to use. Now who has the power to use it?

I will be using it, and its usage will be limited to seasoned professionals from Zenon.Org. Given the cost, I don’t want to risk burning that list

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If i understand correctly, you and your associates will be using that database to hire bloggers and youtube channels to write and broadcast about Zenon

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It’s a contact database to blog editors, authors, YouTubers etc. You create relationships with them so that they write pieces about topics. Can also send them press releases. There’s many ways to leverage these contacts, as long as it’s a mutually beneficial relationship. They want content to attract traffic and generate revenue on their publishing sites, we want to reach audiences.


How will zenon help them create revenue from their publishing media?

New content on their end drives traffic to their websites. Just like any news outlet out there, they need new stuff to cover, constantly.

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I should get the list within 1-2 days. Undergoing some verifications.


Database was received, currently undergoing some cleaning to better categorize the contacts in preparation for an outreach campaign.

@Stark has been granted the email, linked to his email address (congrats and thank you for your willingness to contribute :alien: :tada:). I’m likely to subscribe to BuzzStream, a PR-optimized CRM designed to maximize email outreach campaigns. Will make the life of the PR team much more efficient. Specifically interested in the $299/mo subscription, and I’m wondering if the community/Pillars would subsidize the monthly cost via monthly AZ submissions. Vote below:

  • Yes AZ should cover for this subscription
  • No AZ shouldn’t cover for this subscription
0 voters
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From the ZenonOrg HyperGrowth private Slack re: press release distribution services and the goal to develop an internal syndication network:

I appreciate the vote of confidence @everyone.

Purchased his entire database of 250K bloggers + 75k podcasters.

#GlobalScale #GlobalAdoption


All crypto related?

No, all categories.