3D printed levitating Zenon sentinels for the community

Hello, we are a small 3D printing team dedicated to building cool objects for the Zenon Network community. It all started a few years back when the community was much smaller than it is today. Dr. Greenthumb released the first edition of the Zenon Pillars, to which the community showed great interest, and it sold quickly.

After that, the idea of building something greater came and the team expanded. We rented a space and started brainstorming ideas about what to build next. The next logical step was building a sentinel, one that can float in space. We started working on it, trying all kinds of models, prototypes, and putting pieces together. After 5 months, we finally had a fully working prototype that needed a few tweaks here and there. Unfortunately, by that time, the market took a big nosedive, with people panicking and trust in the crypto space being at a minimum point. It wasn’t worth continuing building the project, and we decided to put it on hold until things look brighter again.

Today, we are excited to release our project to the community. Everything about this project has been built in-house by Zenon holders, starting from projecting the 3D models, printing, planning, and testing of the electrical components inside – no outsourcing of any kind. The sentinels will float above a base using a magnetic levitation module carefully placed inside. Everything will be put together by hand in our studio and we take big pride in that.

We will be building two types of sentinels. One will float on top of a base using a magnetic levitation module, while the other will rest atop the base but without floating.

Additionally, there’s the ZNN bag, a small collection of adorable 3D printed Zenon-themed objects that we had a lot of fun creating. Some of these objects include: A mini ionic pillar win ZNN on top, diamond hands holding ZNN, ZNN themed dice and few more others.

Here is an album containing a variety of images and videos showcasing the process of creating these objects: Album

The final product:

The prices are as follows:

145 ZNN for the regular sentinel

245 ZNN for the floating sentinel

A ZNN bag will cost 25 ZNN.

Currently, these prices do not even cover the expenses of building these objects, but we firmly believe that ZNN can only move in one direction from here, especially with the crypto market rebounding, the BTC halving approaching, and a new alt season on the horizon. Therefore, this is the best moment to release the project as the dollar cost is the lowest for our potential customers. Please allow at least 4 months before delivering the 1st batch of sentinels.

For more details please contact us on Telegram @Zenonite.

Thank you.


These are awesome, is the sentinel mains or battery powered?

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Thank you. The sentinel is battery powered while the base needs to be plugged into a power outlet.

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If you want to sell these individually, it looks a beautiful collectible but if you want to get an AZ, we should spend our budget to something can bring a real value to Zenon.

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Looks pretty amazing any plans to mint a zts/nft for each one built?

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I don’t think he’s asking for A-Z funds though. His previous works were also through ZNN payments.

Check: NFT’s – HZNN

Yea he’s not asking for an AZ grant but marketing a product. Think this is going to fantastic once NoM has NFT capabilities and if he decides to pair each sentinel sale with a free mint.

However, I believe Dr. Green Thumb is different than @mrheiznnberg - each of them having their own separate lines of products.

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Do you make Pillars and Sentries? Do you envision something for stakers and delegators?

It would be nice to create some pieces for IRL meetings. @buildcities will participate to some blockchain events this year and it would be nice to green pill people with cool ZNN collectibles. I would support an AZ to fund a giveaway pool for IRL meetings.

Would be awesome to pair your physical NFTs with Syrius wallet… zoon™

Plus we can stand out with this form of physical art. I don’t know any other community in crypto that produce this kind of modern masterpieces.


Thank you everyone for the support.

We are not asking for AZ funds in this thread.

For sure, once ZNN is ready for NFTs every object will be linked to a digital NFT via a QR code 3D printed on the bottom of the base.

We are not affiliated with that project at all.

Pillars, not anymore, just sentinels for now. We will think about releasing a 2nd edition for pillars after we’re done with the sentinels.


In Sugoi’s defense, I can see how people would confuse both of you.

Community is just an alien hive at this point :sweat_smile:

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My bad zir!

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Would it be possible to have it illuminate when each Momentum happens using a Raspberry Pi or something?

We can explore some possibilities as there already is a Raspberry Pi inside that controls the LEDs although I am not sure if a larger chip with WiFi capabilities will fit inside. Thanks for the suggestion.

You can sell separately the Raspberry Pi 5 or other powerful open source single-board computers as full nodes (that do all the processing) with Zenon branding - even see if a less powerful board can fit directly into the Pillars/Sentinels. Inside the Pillars and Sentinels you only need an Arduino Nano or equivalent (to process a lightweight signal from the board) to control LEDs and other peripherals. It really depends what kind of functionalities you want to implement.


My bad, there are two little Arduino chips inside that control the LEDs.

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