Just wanted to add that the #HyperGrowth Pillar on its own can’t sustain 1 developer full-time, they just don’t generate enough in these market conditions…
Understood, I wouldnt be looking for it to support me full time initially but it would cover the hosting costs and when conditions improve hopefully allow me to go full time
The AZ applications have been submitted
i voted yes thx for your contribution
I will do the same.
I’m one of the newer Pillar voters here and this was my same logic after seeing the request.
Zenon Hub is amazing quality and should be rewarded handsomely. That being said, the timing of this request is really difficult to justify.
We are at our lowest historical MCAP so asking full amounts to compensate an equivalent fiat market rate sets a slippery precedent of asking for max A-Z requests at low points. A capital efficient org needs to be thinking in the opposite direction.
That being said, I do think your work warrants MORE in BTC/fiat equivalent than what you are requesting but only until we can collectively get the price back up to $10+
I’m going to go ahead and vote Yes on 1/3 and No on 2/3 + 3/3 though it seems the consensus is already in.
I voted no and will not even vote to such high funding asks in the future.