Unikernel-z: A unikernel for the Network of Momentum

@aliencoder I’m trying to wrap my head around this comments. Basically what you are explaining is the zApp can run on its own L2. To accomplish this the zApp embedded contract will keep track of state on the L1. The zApp (the application) runs on the L2. Sequencers on the L2 run the sate transition function for the zApp and the L2 batch settles transactions to the L1 with ZK proofs.

Is this any different than how other L2s help Ethereum scale?

All the zApps can run on this L2.

Yes. The L2 state will keep track of balances for zApp users.

No, the tech is similar.

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[ANN] ZUKD: Zenon Unikernel Devkit
A Docker-based approach to streamlining unikernel image compilation


Someone explain to me like I’m 5… can devs now build unikernels on zenon?

not yet, but this is the first step. this first commit is the generic ‘builder’ to convert binary executables (or zApps) to unikernel. the L2 integration is still in the exploratory phase, but this kit will allow devs to streamline the transition to unikernel.


moved: GitHub - EovE7Kj/zApps: zApp Development Hub


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