Syrius icon redesign

@aliencoder I suggest to not use this icon with syrius desktop until some major updates including a new ui/ux… I don’t see any reason to use such a beautiful icon with the same 2 y.o wallet.

Edit. Maybe it’s just me, but I see this icon fitting more on a mobile/extension app than a desktop software.

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Maybe try to upload it to WeTransfer or any other uploading services and paste the link here.

I’ve followed the Apple guidelines for the MacOS app icon (bottom shadow). I can prepare them for mobile, too.

The problem is that transfer links usually expire. But I can dm the link with the resources.

what is the issue exactly? Upload size or attachment type?

I just added the .ico extension to the authorized list.

Windows icon:

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Is this logo update still in progress?

I support this.

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✧✧✧ gib ✧✧✧

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This would make it a lot easier to find the most important app on your pc. The gradients work like camouflage.


This one also looks cool! But our current design also features the green/blue, so it’d be only natural to keep that imo :slight_smile:


What’s the status on this? We could change the syrius icon for v0.2.0.