So @baggot had a lucid moment tonight. I don’t think he realizes it yet, but hear me out I think this solves our short-term issues:
We still leverage AZ:
1 Pillar = 1 Vote
However, we will include delegators by adding their weights off-chain.
15K Weight = 1 Community Vote
This allows all delegators during the AZ voting phase to shift weights to pillars that align with their vote.
We keep track of all this off-chain, ideally with a visualizer tallying up votes in real time. We’ll just need to come to terms for a new quorum that accounts for community votes.
There are 5,126,415 ZNN delegated. That’s about ~340 more votes.
Problem: We will still reach AZ quorum with a low number of pillar participation (~31), but perhaps we can now aim for a larger number of delegated weight participation.
Issue is there are multiple instances of self delegation with Pillars and no easy way to track that - so in essence it could end up quite skewed and potentially manipulated
There’s no risk free approach to having all network participants involved in governance votes at this stage
My idea simply was to use it as a barometer for community sentiment and allow pillars to change strategies or adjust their vote decisions accordingly withan input from community.
I see your point, just trying to look at it from non -pillar participants point of view also
I feel a website or snapshot would be a better way of tracking sentiment like that, there’s heaps of options and ways to so it but it isn’t as sexy as N&T or dynamic plasma etc.