Ledger Hardware Wallet for s y r i u s

If progress has already been done on the subject, why not finish it?

Maybe people will continue to use Ledger HW or maybe they won’t, but either way, it’s a good exercise and it will make implementing other HW easier.


I personally think this is a flash in the pan issue. I believe they will with “fix” the public relations issue or technical issue. Or both. Ledger seems to have wide adoption and with their new model coming out soon I don’t think they are going away.

These devices need social recovery for people who cannot manage their own keys. That solution will iterate and change over time. They will solve that issue, because social recovery is necessary for wide crypto adoption.

So who is going to solve social recovery “well”? Who has wide customer adoption? Who is likely to be around in 5 to 10 years?

Probably Ledger.



Probably a player not (fully) in crypto yet, but with the user base.

After the community feedback I think it is safe to proceed with the az proposal. I propose to close this thread and give the last word to the pillars by submitting the proposal.

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The proposal was recently accepted. Thanks for your confidence. We will do our best to deliver the best possible product. Further updates on the project will be posted on the HyperCore-One forum.

See the link below.


I want to highlight a very important paragraph from Apple’s secure enclave documentation:

Can’t encode preexisting keys. You must use the Secure Enclave to create the keys. Not having a mechanism to transfer plain-text key data into or out of the Secure Enclave is fundamental to its security.

Ledger is playing us… don’t trust them. (to be clear, I’m not saying anything against the proposal/project, just general info for everyone)