How to become a Liquidity Provider of $wZNN to earn $QSR

How to Become a Liquidity Provider of $wZNN to earn $QSR in the Zenon Network

  1. Get wZNN from PancakeSwap or by swapping ZNN to wZNN at
  2. Add liquidity to the wZNN/WBNB PancakeSwap pair. Please note, this link will auto populate two tokens, wBNB and wZNN. wBNB is the wrapped version of BNB on Binance Smart Chain (Pro tip: BNB on Binance Smart Chain is the BEP20 NOT the BEP2 version). You can also provide liquidity on Pancakeswap in the BNB / wZNN pair too. Pancakeswap will automatically convert BNB to wBNB when adding liquidity.
  3. Navigate to and pick wZNN Liquidity Program from the main menu.
  4. Paste your Zenon Public Incentivized address and click Submit.
  5. The Web3 wallet will ask for permission to sign a message. Confirm the action to continue.
  6. Done. If everything went well you should see a confirmation message.

Special Considerations for Becoming a Liquidity Provider

  • Follow the order of operation above. Add liquidity in #2 and then complete steps #4 & 5.
  • I recommend using Metamask to become a liquidity provider. You cannot complete step #5 above with Trust Wallet.
  • Make sure you have the LP tokens in the Web3 wallet address you’re connected to.
  • Once you associate your BSC address with your Zenon Public Incentivized address, this can’t be changed.
  • $QSR are distributed every 24 hours after 00:00 UTC. Make sure you have added liquidity to the wZNN / wBNB OR wZNN / BNB PancakeSwap pair before the next rewards cycle.