Project Name: Syrius Wallet Web (design/dev)
Description: As Blaze finishes the native app for IOS/Android, the Google Play/Apple Store requires a landing website with details about your app, terms and conditions, and privacy policy. I expect this project to be about 8-10 pages, similar to Trust Wallet. This website will be a unifying website for all things Syrius - Desktop, Mobile, and Browser Extension. I have started on some of the initial design work and attached a URL that showcases some of this work.
Team: I have 14 years full stack development experience. The first 8-10 years of my career I worked at several fortune 500 companies (Best Buy, Loreal, Comcast, etc), until I was able to more recently work for Bitcoin companies. In the past 5 years I have worked with BitPay (I built their frontend checkout system), Geyser (I built their rewards system), and I currently work at OpenNode re-building their internal tools and dashboards.
What is your high-level roadmap? It is encouraged to submit projects with phases where possible with each phase delivering some unit of value to the community. How many phases are you submitting for, what deliverables will be in each phase, what is the estimated timing of each phase, and most importantly what value will be delivered to the community in each phase? Include as many phases as you need for delivery. Payment is linked to Phase completion.
Phase 1
Initial Design (1500 ZNN, 10,000 QSR)
- Landing Page (Home)
- Syrius Desktop Landing Page
- Syrius Mobile Landing Page
- Syrius Browser Extension Landing Page
- Terms & Conditions
- Privacy Policy
- Various links to developer docs, support, forum, features
Completion of Phase 1 will be measured by:
- All Pages of the website have completed designs
- Delivery: PDF of all screens
Phase 2
Design feedback (1000 ZNN, 7500 QSR)
- Implement feedback in the forums based on the PDF provided
Completion of Phase 2 will be measured by:
- Implementing feedback from community forum
- Delivery: PDF with all screens with feedback implemented
Phase 3
Development (2500 ZNN, 22,500 QSR)
- Develop all screens based on approved designs
- Site is responsive and works well on desktop, tablet, and mobile
- Technologies used: React, Tailwind, ShadCN
Completion of Phase 3 will be measured by:
- All Screens created and deployed to
- Delivery: Completed site live
Total Requested Funding = 5000 ZNN and 40,000 QSR
Project Duration = 2 months
How did you calculate your budget? Did you estimate development hours against a certain rate, and then multiply that by the current price of ZNN & QSR? If yes, how many hours did you project? What was the rate you used? What was the market price of ZNN & QSR at time of budget formulation? Did you estimate your budget based on comparable projects? If yes, can you explain the logic behind their pricing model and can you explain that logic to the Pillar operators? Do you need to buy tools to do the job? Are you baking in a premium for risk or opportunity cost? The important thing here is not so much the budget amount, but how you derived that amount. Budgets should be well thought out and aligned to project phases.
I did not use a specific hourly rate, but being in IT for over a decade I know the market pricing for something like this would be roughly $30,000 USD. ($8,000 for content creation and wireframes, $8,000 for design, and roughly $15,000 for development). Obviously, I am not looking to charge what a design/development firm would, so I think I submitted a fair proposal, but I am open to feedback.
A lot of the upfront work is actually organizing the content we do have, and creating the content we need (text/images/animations). Design work especially can be very tedious as everyone can have a different perspective which is why I added a feedback round via the forums. Thankfully, Zenon started with pretty solid branding/colors so the color scheme itself likely wont have much revision, but the content likely will. The development will actually be the easiest part of this for me, getting to the final approval stage in Phase 2 will require a lot of back/forth via the community.
Project and Payment Milestones:
Phase 1
Funding Request: 1500 ZNN, 10,000 QSR
Duration: 2 weeks
Phase 2
Funding Request: 1000 ZNN and 7,500 QSR
Duration: 2 weeks
Phase 3
Funding Request: 2500 ZNN, 22,500 QSR
Duration: 1 month
Other Information
Risks, Assumptions, Known Issues, Dependencies: What are the variables and dependencies? Do you have contingency plans for significant assumptions, variables, and dependencies?
I do not see any major risks. The only minor thing I can identify is ongoing hosting fees. I know deeZNNutz has the domain, and will likely be hosting the site. In terms of the actual work, my skillset can easily cover this work and no funds are delivered until the work is completed along the way. I am not asking for any funds before work is completed.
Have you previously submitted a proposal (either in Acclerator-Z or Incubator)? If yes, how did they turn out? Link to all previous proposals or finished products
This will be my first official submission (I did submit a PHP SDK, but that work was already created unfortunately).