Topic moved to ╰ Funding | Submissions
We expect the final report today or tomorrow.
What’s happening? Any news?
Did chainsafe finalize the audit? They made only 1 tweet. How much social media coverage will they do? I think we paid about 7k for social media didn’t we ?
Audit is finished and delivered. We didn’t pay for any social media (that was a different company and quote).
They’ve agreed to tweet now that it is finished though, we are just working on specifics with them.
@0x3639 made a blog post about the audit results
Will they list the audit on their website, though?
We’ve asked for it to go on that audit landing page where they list the other customers too, waiting to hear back from their comms guy
Nice! And yeah, definitely need a cover image
I’m requesting reimbursement for the ChainSafe Audit. I will leave this here for questions for 24 hours, and then I will request payment from AZ.
$15,000 Audit
$150 LLC Filing Fees
$1,128 ETH to Deploy Contracts
$16,278 TOTAL
Request tabulation and evidence of payment below.
AZ#1 = $10,000 USD
3,333 ZNN @ 1.20 = $4,000
50,000 QSR @ 0.12 = $6,000
AZ#2 = $6,277 USD
231 ZNN @ 1.20 = $277
50,000 QSR @ 0.12 = $6,000
AZ1 + AZ2 = $15,150
$10,000 + $6,277 = $16,277
Payment #1
Payment #2
Payment #3 - IL LLC Filing Fee
Payment #4 - 0.61 $ETH to deploy Contracts
at $1850 x 0.61 = $1,128.50
This address has a surplus amount of 0.11 ETH. We can leave it there for future use.
Evidence of payment
Layiid can you send me the file on TG and I’ll forward it to chainsafe ?
Voted no because my dungeon & dragon dice said so
sir… I just spent 17K USD on the audit to benefit the network. Everyone supported this decision. I understand you might be joking, but this sets a bad example for others to do the same. I hope you reconsider your vote for the benefit of future contributors.
Another troll which worked flawlessly AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA I AM INEVITABLE
(I obviously voted yes you giga boomer)
(btw I don’t care what others do, or what they think is an exemple. This community is 90% made of people I can’t stand so what they vote is non of my business.)