[ANN] i n e r t i a - NoM Smart Contracts

If you support this proposal, can you please explain to me what it includes? Have you looked at the repo? Is he asking for a full AZ for what has been submitted?

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Dont Trust, BUT
Community Unable to Clarify

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Just a question - do you just jump into a codebase and start firing away code at random? Even when there is no readme in the parent folder? Are you familiar with typical software project structure? ./test/ dir is almost always exclusively for the developer testing.

You’re like someone walking into a car factory and being stunned to find that the cars are not fully-assembled.
Crash test? What is this thing, the car is ruined! I don't plan to drive straight into a wall!

It seems like nobody here has pieced together that at the present the repository is basically framework-level WASM interface intended to patch into a running node. ./test/ will grow as the testing progresses! You don’t have all the pieces because:

  1. the solution is still being formulated
  2. the code is still being rewritten, and will likely be reworked

Does everyone here understand what git is?

I wasn’t delivering YOU a piece of software. I was only making public (parts of) my own local git repo.


I meant no disrespect to you or anyone else working on this project.

I just get the feeling that around here, development takes a back seat to ephemeral chasing after exposure. I don’t want people to notice this blockchain because it’s pumping like XRP. I want people to notice this blockchain because it does shit that no other blockchain can do. And it seems like people here want that too, but their feeble solution is to sit around and wait for professor-z and co. to miraculously reappear and do it all for us.

The pieces are there. You need people to actually DO the work.


I believe this is the deliverable list for the AZ ask - I don’t expect to see it in the repo until funding phases are raised


I wholeheartedly agree.

Several of us are working very hard to attract attention, capital, and talent in a highly oversaturated market. I appreciate your contributions and that you’ve been communicative. The reason why I asked about qas is because I want to be able to describe use cases and the advantages of NoM in order to attract the right kind of attention to make this network a success.


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With all due respect, you clearly do not know the 20 people you just shit on and all the work we do. Maybe you are referring to chadass or all the other moonboyz that got spit out the back. They are gone. We’ve been shitting them out the back for years. The only people who can hang now are the beasts.

We are the hardened contributors busting our ass every day with complete disregard to price and all the reasons this project should fail. It feels like this response was from 2022 and it teleported itself to 2024.

We want “people to notice this blockchain because it does shit that no other blockchain can do” too. The people trying to explain it (the 20 here) simply do NOT have the tools. We cannot explain the BTC interoperability and we cannot clearly explain the SC architecture. Should we stick with “trust me bro”?

I asked you for an AMA so we can build the tools to make that possible but instead you told us to do the work.

So you should either ask us to put our pencils down or you will need to explain things so we can sell others on why our blockchain is so fucking bad ass.


I don’t think so. That is the full road map that will take 10+ months. But I’m honestly not sure which is why I asked.

I respect you and the work you’ve put in. And that goes to for all the people you are probably alluding to. What I am trying to say is that if the community wants the network to fulfill the goals of the WP, then the community needs to make it happen. If there aren’t people with the blockchain knowledge, that’s fine. This shit is complicated.

If we can get the right people making the technology happen, we won’t have to sell this to anyone. It will sell itself.


Thank you.

We are here to help.

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You’re asking for devs to help you and you’re asking pillars to support your work financially. At the same time you’re presenting non-functional pseudocode and overstating its merits. As a developer that raises questions, since I can only go off of what you have said and presented.

What test.go is supposed to do is really simple. Are you saying you didn’t run the test and verify it works before commiting it? Why would you do that? If you want to convince the community you have the technical skills required to complete the project you’re proposing, you shouldn’t lash out at these simple questions.


I looked at your previous zapps code that was supposed to be a working PoC, which you were paid for, but it is completely non-functional as well.


Since you brought it up, did you understand even understand what the uk-dev is? This is using Docker to allow anyone who cares to write an app in a stripped-down linux image containing only the components and dependencies necessary for that app (yeah, I wrote a “unikernel-wrapper” that only uses Docker). This was a repo to help other devs to get their Apps in a unikernel. The zApp toolkit is supposed to enable the community to deploy once we have smart-contracts in the network. No this wasn’t a “functional” zApp – how was I supposed to write one without a working smart-contract mechanism? (thanks for the segue back to this AZ by the way).

No, I wasn’t lashing out. I was defending my work. I have been trying to lay the groundwork for several different interworking components that all rely on one another, and I have been doing it alone thus far. Unikernel, zApp and Smart Contracts are a huge undertaking. I haven’t had anyone lending a hand or contributing to this work, instead a bunch of skepticism and criticism from people who don’t even understand what I am trying to do. This community has seen very few major development endeavors… if you take away the work of aliencoder, not very much has been done since alphanet went live.

If you’re hoping that the fundamental goals outlined in the WP (Bitcoin interoperability, zApps, etc.) are just going to fall into our laps without any funding or DEVELOPMENT (yeah, that means in-progress repos) then you’re going to be disappointed.


Lots of words but no explanation to my questions about test.go.

You don’t need a working smart contract mechanism to make a compilable application. The Go code in the zapps repository and the inertia repository are littered with ridiculous issues, which is at odds with your claims of being a competent programmer.

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Thanks for sharing your perspective on this.

I’ve read all these posts again. Despite some aliens believing this is an elaborate hoax, I actually believe this work is legit. However, I’m going to continue to vote NO for the following reasons: Don't trust, verify

He accuses us of only focusing on price go up, yet when we try to verify his AZ we get no response.

He claims to be working alone, yet implies he is a group.

The repos also have two different email addresses implying at least two people are working on this.

He is asking for devs to join him yet he will not explain aspects of the project to us.

The code does look like an LLM hallucination. However, if what he is saying is true, it’s only a portion of the work in git >> What is git (for the deplorables)?

He has an address that dates back to 2021 and he made a delegation yield optimizer from his AZ rewards. It’s unlikely a scammer would do that.

The facts here are really confusing. I believe this work is legit, however I’m going to vote no because when “real” scammers come looking for an AZ and are able to concoct an elaborate hoax we need to be able to spot them.

If he cannot (or will not) answer @sultanofstaking questions why is this even up for debate?


@EovE7Kj I think it’s important to try to take all of the feedback as pertaining to the proposal itself, as well the questions put forth, especially from Sultan. I want to believe. We just have to be careful.

hear, hear. :clap:


Going to abstain until my questions are answered

  • at least 2 dedicating ~2-3 hours a day
  • A working POC with on testnet (ie. a full release of go-zenon with smart-contract integration)
  • Full AZ funding for the POC above. I don’t really see a way to incrementally fund this project with meaningful deliverables
  • A absolute minimum of 6 months given my current resource allocation. Obviously this changes if additional devs are brought on.
  • Absolutely. Too many to name (personal or professional constraints, for example)

    • If I could afford to dedicate all my time and resources to this project, I wouldn’t think twice about it. If I was in retirement, I would make this my passion project. Unfortunately, I’m not in that position, and my progress on this is going to be largely at the mercy of my day job schedule.
  • NO requests for funding will be submitted until the working POC is delivered and running


Really stunned that I have to defend myself to this community after delivering its first docker.io img and unikernel qcow2

My time on this network greatly predates the alphanet migration and Syrius. All ZNN and QSR there in 2021 were from the migration. Some of those ZNN were staking rewards from the OG wallet (running 24/7) and the majority came from OTC via Shai.

Again, even having to explain this is unbelievable.